. Il giornale ferroviario di strada . su il regolatore fa un collegamento con un magnete di scatto e apre il disgiuntore di corrente continua. Il magnete di scatto è anche disposto in bassa tensione, il magnete viene sempre caricato dal circuito a 500 volt. Il magnete ha una resistenza di 1000 ohm ed è posizionato direttamente sul circuito a 500 volt. Si disinserisce cortocircuitando la corrente attraverso una resistenza in serie. Gli alimentatori ad alta tensione sono disposti in modo che tutte le sottostazioni possano essere collegate. Ci sono demolitori nel carrello a Navarre, eda record è mantenuto della corrente fornita al Canton-NewPhilade
1545 x 1617 px | 26,2 x 27,4 cm | 10,3 x 10,8 inches | 150dpi
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. The Street railway journal . up the governor makes a connection with a trip magnet and opens the d. c. circuitbreaker. The trip magnet is also arranged ior low-voltagerelease, the magnet being charged at all times from the 500-volt circuit. The magnet has 1000 ohms, resistance and isplaced directly across the 500-volt circuit. It releases by shortcircuiting its current through a series resistance. The high-tension feeders arc arranged so that all sub-stations may becut together. There are breakers in the trolley at Navarre, anda record is kept of the current supplied to the Canton-NewPhiladelphia line. For this purpose the incoming feeders atBeach City have two recording wattmeters arranged in parallel, one checking the other. The Tuscarawas Traction Companys line is supplied withcurrent from a small direct-current station at New Philadel-phia. It has two 160-hp Ball engines belted to four 80-kwG. E. generators and the most interesting feature of the stationis that the company owns a good coal mine within a stones. TAPING MACHINE, CANTON-AKRON SHOPS throw of the house, and fuel is mined and dumped into theboiler room by its own men. As is the practice with the other systems controlled byTucker, Anthony & Company, the management makes a strongfeature of promoting travel by park attractions. The Canton-Akron Company leases Meyers Lake, which for many years hasbeen the most popular resort in that district. It is reached bythe Canton city cars by a double-track spur line. Over 300acres are enclosed, the lake itself covering 140 acres. It is70 ft. deep, supplied by springs. The company has had itstocked with bass and pickerel, and it has become famous as afishing resort. Fishing privileges are free and boats arerented at 25 cents an hour. The company has fifty steel row-boats and thirty-five flat-bottom fish boats. Two naphthalaunches, one holding fifty and the other 100 passengers, areoperated by the company. The north end of the lake is leasedto the Country Club, whic