. Il grande libro americano di biografia . guardando la morte nel faceoused se stessi allo sforzo e uniti in un debole cheer al flagship.quelli che stavano stando sulla riva ascoltavano in silenzio, per quel pianto debole wasthe tristissimo avevano sentito mai. Ogni cuore si sciolse a pietà. Dio li aiuta! è stato passato da un uomo all'altro. Il suono della musica si accavalde sull'acqua. La band Trentons suonava la Star SpangledBanner. I mille uomini in mare e in riva non avevano mai sentito parlare di musica in un momento come questo. E così le navi buone andarono a relitto, e molti si perse la vita; ma
1323 x 1890 px | 22,4 x 32 cm | 8,8 x 12,6 inches | 150dpi
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. The great American book of biography . looking death in the facearoused themselves to the effort and united in a faint cheer to the flagship.Those who were standing on shore listened in silence, for that feeble cry wasthe saddest they had ever heard. Every heart was melted to pity. God helpthem ! was passed from one man to another. The sound of music next cameacross the water. The Trentons band was playing The Star SpangledBanner. The thousand men on sea and shore had never before heard strainsof music at such a time as this. And so the good ships went to wreck, andmany a life was lost ; but a standard of endurance and of valor was there set upthat shall command the reverence and wonder of the world as long as time shallendure. During fifteen years of peace, following the War of the Rebellion, the navywas much neglected. No new ships were built, and the old ones fell into decay.In 1881, however, William H. Hunt, Secretary of the Navy appointed anAdvisory Board to plan the building of a new navy adequate to the needs of the. THE NEW NA VY. 393 nation. From the deliberations of this Board and its successot*, appointedby Secretary Chandler, sprang the splendid new fleet. The Board recom-mended the construction of four steel vessels : the Chicago, of 4500 tonsdisplacement; the Boston and Atlanta, of 3189 tons displacement each, and the Dolphin, of 1485 tons displacement. The dates of the acts author-izing these vessels were August 5, 1882, and March 3, 1883, and the contractswere taken for all four vessels by John Roach & Sons in July, 1883. The pioneer of the new steel navy was the Dolphin. Although classedas a dispatch boat in the Navy Register, she has well earned the title of afirst-class cruiser, and would be so classed if she had the tonnage displacement, since she made a most successful cruise around thfe world, traversing 52, 000miles of sea without a single mishap. The Dolphin was launched April 21, and she was finished in November, 1884, and althoup-h no materia