. Il libro del blu reale. Le montagne per passare l'estate, ed è raggiunto viathe Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, viaCapon, W. va i venti prevalenti ovest, coniinu asthey fanno dalla cima dello stagno- AlKiihiniis.give all'aria un fresco, dr> tVcshiuss .nulcrispness singolarly-inatini; e li-ivotable. Oltre ad essere un resort piu' attrattivo, e' uno dei resort piu' grandiosi ed estetici in questo paese, e maniare gli uomini e le donne che devono il sollievo dalla sofferenza, dalla salute e dalla forza di theirir, a Capon Springs. La Th&, Capon Spring, che iv è un'acqua alcalinelitea, è una delle 1h st nudicin
1791 x 1396 px | 30,3 x 23,6 cm | 11,9 x 9,3 inches | 150dpi
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. Book of the Royal blue . the mountainsto spend the summer, and is reached viathe Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, viaCapon, W. Va. The prevailing west winds, coniinu asthey do from the top of tin- AlKiihiniis.give to the air a cool, dr> tVcshiuss .nulcrispness singularly invigoratini; and aiivci-able. Besides being a most attractivesummer resort, it is one of the greatesthealth resorts in this country, and manyare the men and women who owe theirrelief from suffering, tluir health and theirstrength, to Capon Springs. Th&, Capon Spring, which iv an alkalinelithia water, is one of the 1h st nudicinalmineral, as well as one of the finest tal)le, waters in the world. The water gushesforth from the base of a picturesque massof rock, in an abundant, bold stream—clear, light, sparkling, almost effervescent.There are also two iron S])rings ne.ir liy, whose waters are a most excellent tonic. The bathing establishment is perfect in itsappointments, and baths can be had of anytemperature desired in the water of Capon. d hvlithia JORDANS WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, VIRGINIA. Jordans White Sulphur Springs are situ-ated one and one-half miles from Stephensonstation, on the Baltimore - Ohio Railroad, in a most delighttu] district. Tlie surmund-ing hills are covered with a luxuriant i-ge-tation, and the climb to the top of .ihnostanyone of them is compensated 1) a s( riesof magnificent views. The resort is a fav-orite one for families, many of them return-ing regularly season after season. The mainspring, known as the White Sulphur, is in the center of the grounds, although nearbyare wells of pure, sweet water, free frommineral (|ualities. The country aboutJordans White Sulphur .Springs lies some500 feet above the level of Harpers Ferry, and therefore the pure air, together withthe fragrance of the pines which cover thesurrounding hills, is refreshing and health-ful. As the name implies, the water islargely impregnated with sulphur and theminerals usually accompanying it. RAWLEY SPRINGS,