Il vademecum dell'anatomista: Un sistema di anatomia umana. Roprio, è un tendinousarch thi-own attraverso il muscolo psoas magnus come emerge dal thechest. Esso è fissato da un'estremità alla base del processo trasversale della prima vertebra lombare, e dall'altra è continuocon il tendine del muscolo minore opposto al corpo della seconda. Il centro tendinoso del diaframma è conformato come una foglia di trifoglio, di cui il lembo centrale punta alla cartilagine insilabile, ed è più argilloso; i lembi laterali, destro e sinistro, occupano le corrispondenti porzioni del muscolo; il giusto essere
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The anatomist's vade mecum : a system of human anatomy . roprium, is a tendinousarch thi-own across the psoas magnus muscle as it emerges from thechest. It is attached by one extremity to the base of the transverseprocess of the first lumbar vertebra, and by the other is continuouswith the tendon of the lesser muscle opposite the body of the second. The tendinous centre of the diaphragm is shaped like a trefoil leaf, of which the central leaflet points to the ensiform cartilage, and is thelargest; the lateral leaflets, right and left, occupy the correspondingportions of the muscle; the right being the larger and more rounded, and the left smaller and lengthened in its form. 220 MUSCLES OF THE ABDOMEN. Between the sides of the ensiforra cartilage and the cartilages of theadjoining ribs, is a small triangular space where the muscular fibresof the diaphragm are deficient. This space is closed only by peri-toneum on the side of the abdomen, and by pleura within the chest.It is therefore a weak point, and a portion of the contents of the Fig. 97.*. * The under or abdominal side of the diaphragm. 1, 2, 3. The greatermuscle; the figure 1 rests upon the central leaflet of the tendinous centre; thenumber 2 on the left or smallest leaflet; and number 3 on the right leaflet.4. The thin fasciculus which arises from the ensiform cartilage; a small trian-gular space, which is closed only by the serous membranes of the abdomenand chest, is left on either side of this fasciculus. 5. The ligamentum arcuatumexternum of the left side. 6. The ligamentum arcuatum internum. 7. Asmall arched opening occasionally found, through which the lesser splanchnicnerve passes. 8. The right or larger tendon of the lesser muscle; a muscularfasciciSus from this tendon curves to the left side of the greater muscle be-tween the oesophageal and aortic openings. 9. The fourth lumbar vertebra.10. The left or shorter tendon of the lesser muscle. 11. The aortic openingoccupied by the aorta, which is cut short