The otters would put on quite a display until they caught a fish which they would then take to the reed banks to noisily eat, said the photographer. STROUD, ENGLAND: FESTIVE images of an otter holding a large fish wrapped in reed that looks like Christmas tinsel has been captured on December 8 at the Stroud Water Canal.Images show the victorious otter holding tight on to his prize meal in the chilly waters of the canal.One of the images shows the otter with the fish in his mouth, the fish being covered in green tinsel-like reed.Most species of otters feed on fish and crustaceans.These images were captured by Marc Freebrey (48) with a Nikon D850, Nikon Prime 500mm lens, f/8, 1/2500 sec, ISO 1000.?Otters are incredibly fast in the water with dynamic movement., " said Marc.?Watching the otters and the fish was like a frantic dance.?The water in the canal is very clear so the Cotswold Canals Trust deserves credit for helping to preserve the wildlife while restoring the water way.?You always see the large shoals of fish so I paid special attention when seeing water disturbance and watching fish quickly disperse.?The otters would put on quite a display until they caught a fish which they would then take to the reed banks to noisily eat.? mediadrumimages/MarcFreebrey