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The coronation ceremony of King George VI in Westminster Abbey: the anointing of Queen Elizabeth by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Lang. The Queen in her place of anointing, a faldstool set before the altar. The Archbishop pours the holy oil upon her head from the Spoon. On his right hand is the Archbishop of York (Dr Temple) and on his left the Dean of Westminster (Dr Foxley Norris) holding the Ampulla, from which the oil has been poured into the Spoon. The pall of cloth of gold known as the Canopy is held over the Queen by the Duchesses of Norfolk, Rutland, Buccleugh and Roxburghe. Next to the Duchess of Roxburghe to the right at the back is the Bishop of Blackburn (Dr Herbert). In the centre foreground is the Bishop of St Albans (Dr Furse). To the left of the Canopy are the Queen's train-bearers with the Duchess of Northumberland, Mistress of the Robes, wearing a tiara, near the extreme left at the back. The train-bearers are Lady Elizabeth Percy, Lady Margaret Cavendish-Bentinck, Lady Iris Mountbatten, Lady Ursula Manners, Lady Elizabeth Paget and Lady Diana Legge. On the extreme right in the foreground is the Bishop of London (Dr Winnington Ingram). Date: 1937
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