. Ingegnere americano e giornale ferroviario . College, e dati molto valu-abili sono stati ottenuti. TheAverage tirare in libbre per tonnellata onan vecchia e molto sporca ghiaia roadin la condizione di molla peggiore isabout 190 - 200 libbre, E su strada di ghiaia abetter nella stessa condition circa 135 a 150 lbs. Thetraction su queste strade in condizioni normali asciutte è betweenone-terzo e metà degli importi menzionati. Sulla strada della terra la condizione di molla peggiore il tiro per tonnellata varia da 234 a 531 libbre, mediando circa 330 libbre in tempo asciutto il pullon queste strade è da 83 a 215 libbre, mediando circa 125 libbre
2951 x 847 px | 25 x 7,2 cm | 9,8 x 2,8 inches | 300dpi
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. American engineer and railroad journal . College, and very valu-able data have been obtained. Theaverage pull in pounds per ton onan old and very dirty gravel roadin the worst spring condition isabout 190 to 200 lbs., and on abetter gravel road in the same con-dition about 135 to 150 lbs. Thetraction on these roads in ordinary dry condition is betweenone-third and one-half the amounts mentioned. On earth roadsin the worst spring condition the pull per ton ranges from 234to 531 lbs., averaging about 330 lbs. In dry weather the pullon these roads is from 83 to 215 lbs., averaging about 125 lbs.These tests were made with farm wagons having 42 and 52-in.wheels and 1%-in. tires, and show clearly the effect of badroads on traction. Heavy Ralls.—The rails on the belt line railroad aroundPhiladelphia are said to be the heaviest in the world, weigh-ing 142 lbs. per yard, or 17 lbs. more than any previously used.They are ballasted in concrete, with 9-in. girders to bind them. January, 1906. AMERICAN ENGINEER AND RAILROAD JOURNAL. 27. MIKADO TYPE FREIGHT LOCOMOTIVE—DEEPWATER RAILWAY COMPANY. MIKADO TYPE FREIGHT LOCOMOTIVES. Deepwater Railway Company. The Deepwater Railway Company is receiving from theBaldwin Locomotive Works some Mikado type freight loco-motives, which, considering their weight, are very powerful.These engines have a slightly greater tractive power than thetandem compound Mikado type locomotives for the North-ern Pacific Railway, described on page 367 of our Octoberissue. The Deepwater locomotives, with 22 by 28-in.cylinders, have driving wheels only 51 ins. in diameter, andare apparently intended for slow, heavy service, and willprobably be used at Allegheny Summit and on some of theheavy mountain grades in West Virginia. The Rushtontrailer truck is used. The leading dimensions of these en-gines are as follows. MIKADO TYPE FREIGHT LOCOMOTIVE. Deepwater Railway Company. general data. Gauge 4 ft. 8y2 Ins. Service Freight. Fuel Bituminous coal. Tractive po