. Ingegnere americano e giornale ferroviario. È stato dotato di quattro valvole, i motori della ffl ir York hanno solo due; e, inoltre, che mentre la parte anteriore dei motori di Minneapolis wassheld da colonne rotonde verticali, vi è un telaio a Y invertito su ogni lato dei New Yorks. Anche i diametri dei cilindri sono diversi, ma, con le eccezioni che abbiamo già notato, l'aspetto generale dei motori è praticamente lo stesso. Per quanto riguarda i dettagli delle dimensioni, le valvole a pistone sono utilizzate esclusivamente; hanno un diametro di 16 poll. Per il cilindro ad alta pressione, con un diametro medio
2838 x 881 px | 24 x 7,5 cm | 9,5 x 2,9 inches | 300dpi
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. American engineer and railroad journal . was furnishedwith four valves, the engines of the ffl ir York have but two ;and, also, that while the front of the Minneapolis engines washeld by round vertical columns, there is an inverted Y frameon each side of the New Yorks. The diameters of the cylin-ders are also different, but, with the exceptions which we havealready noted, the general appearauce of the engines is practi-cally the same. Regarding the details of the dimensions, piston-valves areexclusively used ; they have a diameter of 16 in. for the high-pressure cylinder, with a mean diameter for the low-pressurecylinder of 29A in. All the valves are driven by double-barStephenson links. The intermediate and low-pressure cylin-ders are jacketed on the sides and bottoms, while the high-pressure cylinders are fitted wilh a lining or wearing cylinderof hard cast iron. All of the pistons are of cast steel. As wehave already said, the cylinders are carried by invertedY frames made of cast steel, to which the cast-iron guides arc. HORIZONTAL SECTION THROUGH BREECHING AND UPTAKE, UNITED STATES CRUISER NEW YORK. been taken that the pumping and drainage arrangementsshoul 1 be thorough and effective. The vessel is fitted as aflagship, and in addition to the quarters of the admiral andcaptain there are slate-roorus for 20 ward-room officers, 12junior and two warrant-officers. The interior fittings of theseapartments are in oak. with furniture upholstered in handsomeleather. Scattered about the ship in various points are theflags and other things which have been presented to the officersami tin- ship by the citizens and various societies of the cityof Xe.v York. In the construction of the vessel there is a longitudinal bulk-head running between the engines and the starboard and portbailers, but forward and aft of this there are no longitudinalbulkheads, but simply transverse, which are closed by theusual type of wall r-tigut doors. Th- machinery of the vessel consists of four