. Ingegneria ferroviaria e locomotiva : una rivista pratica di energia motrice ferroviaria e materiale rotabile. Assedalla tornitura. Questo tipo di ottone non ha flange a tubi congelati, valvole a serbatoio chiuso, tubo di scarico con rivestimenti collassati, schermi filledcon tubi di zavorra o di scoppio e acqua di scarico nel serbatoio. 2. Il vapore non raggiunge l'iniettore quantità insufficienti a causa di valvole o valvole parzialmente chiuse aventi le estremità egiacenti sopra il passaggio. In casi molto rari, un'ostruzione potrebbe inquesti tubi, come le teste dei rivetti o i rifiuti, soprattutto dopo che la caldaia ha subito riparazioni pesanti. 3. Tubo di troppopieno st
2106 x 1187 px | 35,7 x 20,1 cm | 14 x 7,9 inches | 150dpi
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. Railway and locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . assfrom turning. This style of brass has no flanges to to frozen pipes, closed tank valves, tankhose with collapsed linings, screens filledwith ballast or burst pipes and lowwater in tank. 2. Steam failing to reach injector insufficient quantities due to partly closedvalves or valves having the ends ofl andlying over passageway. On very rareoccasions an obstruction may get intothese pipes, such as rivet heads or waste, especially after the boiler has undergoneheavy repairs. 3. Overflow pipe stopped by ice, or coaland ashes when the pipes.empty into ashpans. 4. .-Kny leak in the feed-pipe to the in-jector will cause defective vacuum to beformed. The closer to the injector themore serious. Pipes not lining up prop-erly or collars pulled loose from pipes.These collars do not show large crackswhen pipe is disconnected, but developwhen in place and under stress of theunions. 5. Dirt in inlet valves or valves cor-roded and galled or stem bent by use ofimproper tools. This defect allows steam. NF.W STYLE MAIN ROIX C, & N.-W.! R. break oflF and is Vi-in. thicker than thepresent brass we use, which means longerlife and better service. It also has 33 sq.in».more bearing surface than the presentbrass. The front end brass on this rodhas round turned up brass in place of thepresent brass, which is all shaper andhand work. I believe this bit of informa-tion will be of interest to your readers.W. J. Shadle, General Foreman, C. & N. W. Ry.Clinton, la. Injectors, Their Defects and Remedies. Editor: / Injector troubles attending those jiijec- lorj of lifting type can be divided into■two cU»v!»t<iviiL: Not lifting water and lifting water, but failing to delirer it to.boiler. Defects oousiag failures of first class, and most ronmionly met with, are asS follows:- I. Water (allinx to reach injector due to flow directly back on top of the waterfrom the feed-pipe. 6. At times cracks