L'Effetto della pressione sull'arco SpectraNo5Nickel, da € 3450 a € 5500 lambda, Incluso un conto del tasso Di Spostamento con lunghezza d'onda, della Relazione tra la pressione e Lo Spostamento, Dell'Influenza Della Densità Del Materiale e Dell'Intensità Delle Linee dello spettro sullo Spostamento, e della risoluzione dello spettro del nichel in gruppi Di Linee. 5 a 9| atmosfere 2*5 -- (7) Relazione tra la pressione e Lo Spostamento.- Che la relazione tra la pressione e lo spostamento è approssimativamente lineare è evidente dal diagramma 1, in cui ci sono decime
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The Effect of Pressure upon Arc SpectraNo5Nickel, $lambda $ 3450 to $lambda $ 5500, Including an Account of the Rate of Displacement with Wave-Length, of the Relation between the Pressure and the Displacement, of the Influence of the Density of Material and of the Intensity of the Spectrum Lines upon the Displacement, and of the Resolution of the Nickel Spectrum into Groups of Lines . 5 at 9| atmospheres 2*5 ——~ (7) Relation betiueen the Pressure and the Displacement.—-That the relation betweenthe pressure and displacement is approximately a linear one is evident fromDiagram 1, in which these two quantities are plotted. But the displacements peratmosphere are almost invariably greater at low pressures than at high ones(see Table III.) which seriously challenges the existence of an exact linear relationship.This is clearly brought out by Diagram 2, in which the mean displacement peratmosphere form the ordinates and the pressure the abscissae of the curves, each olwhich represents the behaviour of one particular spectrum line whose identity can betraced from the number assigned to it. There is a general downward trend as thepressure increases, which is in favour of the rate of displacement decreasing withincrease of pressure. This tendency is apparent in each of the two groups into which EFFECT OF PRESSURE UPON ARC SPECTRA.—NICKEL. Zj Z 0 CM s WO c8 • rHft. W. CD O +3 ti • rHQ mmQ Displacements per atmospheres in A.U./1000, 226 DK. W. GEOFFEEY DUFFIELD ON THE the lines are obviously divisible, but it is more pronounced in the case of the groupwith the greater displacement. If the decrease of the displacement per atmosphere with the pressure were linearthroughout the whole range, it would lead to an equation between the displacement d0and the pressure p of the parabolic form d0 = Ap — Bp2 in which the constant B is small.But though a linear relationship may reasonably represent the graph of d0/p and pover the small range of pressure from 20 to 80 atmosp