. L'esercito nella guerra civile.. . – il fiume qui compie una svolta verso ovest, quasi a destra rispetto al suo corso precedente. Attraverso una parte della distancelast attraversata la ferrovia è in notevole taglio, e così come i ponti e la portata del fiume, è co-pletely sotto il fuoco del forte. Il carters Creek Turn-Pike corre a sud-ovest dal centro della città. La linea selezionata per la difesa era una curva che avrebbe bevery quasi che ha colpito con un raggio di mille yardsdalla giunzione dei due giradischi nel villaggio. Itscenter era un paio di verghe di fronte alla casa carter
1390 x 1797 px | 23,5 x 30,4 cm | 9,3 x 12 inches | 150dpi
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. The army in the civil war.. . for the river here makes a turn to the west, nearly at rightangles to its former course. Through a part of the distancelast traversed the railway is in a considerable cut, and thisas well as the bridges and the reach of the river, is com-pletely under the fire of the fort. The Carters Creek turn-pike runs southwest from the centre of the town. The line selected for defence was a curve which would bevery nearly that struck with a radius of a thousand yardsfrom the junction of the two turnpikes in the village. Itscentre was a few rods in front of the Carter house on theColumbia road, and was upon a gentle rise of ground. Itsleft was at the railway cut close to the river, where was an-other knoll. Upon this line the Carters Creek turnpike isabout the same distance from the Columbia turnpike as the BATTLE OF FRANKLIN. 83 railway, and this constituted the proper front facing Colum-bia and Spring HUl, -whence Hood was advancing. Thethird division of the Twenty-third Corps (General Keilly in. Battle-Field of Franklin. 84 FRANKLIN AND NASHVILLE. temporary command) was placed on tlie left, Eeillys ownbrigade resting its flank on the road, with. Casements andHendersons brigades (Colonel Stiles in temporary com-mand of the latter) contimiing the line to the railway andriver. The front of Eeillys own brigade was shorter thanthe others, for the two regiments which were left behindas pickets at Duck Biver belonged to it, and these did notarrive till the line was occupied. They were then placedin second Une, supporting the first and less than a hundredyards in rear of it. Eugers division was between the Col-umbia and Carters Creek turnpikes, Stricklands brigade onthe left, and Moores on the right. Along the whole frontthe ground sloped very gently from the line, and was onlyobstructed by a small grove of locust trees a short distancein front of Euger, and by farm buildings, with orchards hereand there in the distance. A range of high hills boundedth