La corte aperta n.. Ma i Greci erano troppo altezzosi, guardando con contempton i discendenti selvaggi delle Epirotes. Si ricordarono della guerriglia meschina tra il proprio popolo e gli alpinisti irruvidenti e rifiutarono le sopraffazione albanesi. Il 5 ottobre 1821, i Greci catturarono la città di Tripolizza e indiscriminatelysassaced l'intera guarnigione turca, tra cui 3000 albanesi. ALBANIA. 81 Questo atto crudele non è mai stato dimenticato e ha costituito un'amara ostilità tra Albania e Grecia. Negli ultimi tempi i poteri dell'Europa, che in vera folklorefashhion hanno sempre figurato in Albania
1920 x 1302 px | 32,5 x 22 cm | 12,8 x 8,7 inches | 150dpi
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The Open court . n. But the Greeks were too haughty, looking with contempton the wild descendants of the Epirotes. They remembered thepetty guerilla warfare between their own people and the roughmountaineers and refused the Albanian overtures. On October 5, 1821, the Greeks captured the city of Tripolizza and indiscriminatelymassacred the whole Turkish garrison, among them 3000 Albanians. ALBANIA. 81 This cruel act was never forgotten and established a bitter hostilitybetween Albania and Greece. In recent times the powers of Europe—who in truly folklorefashion have always figured in the Albanian imagination as theseven kings of Europe—in the Berlin treaty of 1878 assigned por-tions of Albania to the new Balkan states, especially Montenegro andServia-—and this aroused Albanian patriotism. A popular movementspread rapidly over the whole country, and a meeting was calledwhere under great enthusiasm a solemn declaration was formulatedin which thev swore to defend their own countrv against the inroads. ALBANIAN PEASANT WOMAN IN SCUTARI. of foreign aggressors. The powers were obliged to enforce theirdecree by a naval demonstration before Dulcigno, and the Albanianswere compelled to yield. At that time the Albanian patriots soughtsupport in Constantinople where Sultan Abdul Hamid for a timefavored his Albanian bodyguard and helped the Albanians to printbooks in their own language. Soon afterwards however the ene-mies of Albania gained the sultans ear and the patriots were exiled.Through these persecutions the national spirit grew strcn^^er.Albanian periodicals were started, among them Spressa (Hope), issued at Bucharest, and Sami Bey Frasheri published a book bear-ing the title, What was Albania, What is Albania and What is 82 THE OPEN COURT. Albania to be? He and his two brothers—all three Mohammedans—cooperated with the Greek and Roman Albanians and found vig-orous assistance among Italian friends who were especially helpfulinasmuch as the schools they establishe