La famiglia Little Owl nello Yorkshire LO YORKSHIRE Un PICCOLO gufo fu catturato in modo divertente in piedi su un cartello con la scritta "sentiero pubblico" vicino ad Aysgarth nel North Yo
Little Owl family in Yorkshire YORKSHIRE A LITTLE owl was amusingly captured standing on a sign marked "Public footpath" near Aysgarth in North Yorkshire. Although mainly nocturnal, little owls can be spotted in the day hunting invertebrates (especially worms), small mammals, reptiles, amphibians and small birds. They are often seen perched on telegraph poles, old parkland trees, along hedgerows, or, in this case, a footpath sign, quietly scanning for prey. These cute pictures were snapped by a 47-year-old sales director and wildlife photographer, Sarah Brooks, from Lincoln. “I was hiking with my Sony A6400 camera across the fields and onto the farmlands when I spotted these owls, ” she said. “Excited to spot such cute little owls, I decided to set myself up near a wall and take their pictures. “I was shocked to see not just two owls but a family of three younglings. “Through my observation, it became clear that the young ones were mature enough to feed themselves but still kept going back to their mum and dad. “It is endearing to see, no matter how independent we become, we would always need our parents and a home to go back to” ENDs