. La locomotiva . , Hartford, Conn. JOHN O. ENDERS, Vice-Presidente, United States Bank, Hartford, Conn. :morgan b. brainard, Vice-Pres. E Tesoriere, ^Etna LifeInsurance Co., Hartford, Conn. FR.NCIS B. ALLEN, Vice-Pres., TheHartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. MAXWELL, Presidente della Hockanum Mills Company, Rock-ville, Conn. HORACE B. CHENEY, Cheney BrothersSilk Manufacturers, South Manchester, Conn NEWTON BARNEY, Treasurer, TheHartford Electric Light Co., Hart-ford, Conn. Dr. GEORGE C. F. WILLIAMS, Presi-Dent e Tesoriere, T.

. La locomotiva . , Hartford, Conn. JOHN O. ENDERS, Vice-Presidente, United States Bank, Hartford, Conn. :morgan b. brainard, Vice-Pres. E Tesoriere, ^Etna LifeInsurance Co., Hartford, Conn. FR.NCIS B. ALLEN, Vice-Pres., TheHartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. MAXWELL, Presidente della Hockanum Mills Company, Rock-ville, Conn. HORACE B. CHENEY, Cheney BrothersSilk Manufacturers, South Manchester, Conn NEWTON BARNEY, Treasurer, TheHartford Electric Light Co., Hart-ford, Conn. Dr. GEORGE C. F. WILLIAMS, Presi-Dent e Tesoriere, T. Foto Stock

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