La Paz, La Paz, Bolivia. Xxi oct, 2019. Scontri a La Paz/Bolivia. Un tribunale elettorale dipendente sta cercando di spiegare alla gente e polizia perché onorate votazione caselle sono state catturate in strada durante il conteggio votations giorni. I manifestanti hanno preso le strade della città in Bolivia dopo il conteggio dei voti in ottobre 2019 elezioni presidenziali scese in polemica circa una massiccia frode dall'Evo Morales partito MAS.Il paese della opposizione ha accusato il governo del Presidente Evo Morales di frode dopo il conteggio è stato misteriosamente sospesa per 24 ore durante le votazioni countin
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October 21, 2019, La Paz, La Paz, Bolivia: Clashes in La Paz / Bolivia. An Electoral Court employee is trying to explain to people and Police why fullfilled votation boxes have been caught in the street during votations counting days. Demonstrators have taken to the streets in Bolivia after the counting of votes on October 2019 presidential election descended into controversy about a massive fraud from the Evo Morales MAS party.The country’s opposition has accused the government of President Evo Morales of fraud after the count was mysteriously suspended for 24 hours during the votes counting while pointing to the need for a December run-off round between the incumbent and his closest rival Carlos Mesa. But when the count restarted, Mr Morales had pulled far enough ahead of Mr Mesa to allow him to claim outright victory on the first round.On the same counting days, people start to find places and people with filled and suspect voting boxes.In response protests erupted in cities across the Andean nation with offices of the electoral court set on fire in at least three cities and government and opposition supporters clashing in the capital La Paz. During the end of October and the all month of November, the polarized country, divided between Evo Morales supporters and the rest of the population, with opposition supporters heading the movement, get to the streets. the clashes opposed firstly opposition and students to Police forces defending the central government. Then the Government use theirs ''social movements'' forces from the inside the country, like the feared combative peasants ''ponchos rojos'' or miners fight against the protesters, protected, when they were loosing the fights, by Police forces. On 8 and 9 of November, the Police goes to mutiny and start to fight against violent pro government protesters. Evo Morales escape to the coca growers zone of Chapare in Cochabamba and stays there until he escapes to Mexico on November 12 after obtaining asylum from
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