. La revisione della ferrovia elettrica. Ure 204-(D4-2) dovrebbe essere utile anche se è costosa. Il soffietto del collettore sgradevole è mostrato in linee tratteggiate in a. Per consentire la pronta rimozione di una sezione danneggiata, una parete deve essere di lamiera rivestita con amianto. La parte superiore dell'economizzatore dovrebbe essere coperta conamianto e gemiti dovrebbero essere previsti per fissare i blocchi di catena sopra le sezioni dell'economizzatore per facilitarne la rimozione. Si noterà che tutte le guarnizioni mostrate in Figura 204 sono aperte per l'ispezione anche durante il funzionamento. In caso di perdita minima, i giunti possono essere seguiti senza interferire con regula
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. Electric railway review . ure 204-(D4-2) should be usedeven though it is expensive. The objectionable manifold belowis shown in dotted lines at a. To permit the ready removal ofa damaged section one wall should be of asbestos lined sheetmetal. The top of the economizer should be covered withasbestos and moans should be provided for attaching chainblocks over the economizer sections to facilitate their removal.It will be noted that all gaskets shown in Figure 204 areopen to inspection even while in operation. In case of a slightleak the joints can be followed up without interfering withregular operation. Brandies to and from Closed Heaters. The exhaust cloced heater and the closed heater that maybe used in the line of the vacuum exhaust, should be providedwith relief valves as previously stated. Where there Is anabundance of exhaust steam there is no perceptible saving inheat units by the use of an open exhaust heater and with aclosed heater, since the feedwater is kept separate from the OurLET r7>»rv/roz.d. BLOCn ASBESTOS., yr -4 Hi >(r^ CH/inBl/t Figure 204-(D4-2). exhaust, the difficulty of eliminating cylinder oil from theexhaust is overcome. U-shaped copper tubes are not subjectto expansion strains and therefore are suited for this class ofheaters. There are two distinct types of closed heaters, the steam-tube and the water-tube types. Figure 205-(D5-l) shows thewater-tube type and Figure 206-(D5-2) the steam-tube type.The form shown in Figure 206 has been used more extensivelythan the water-tube type notwithstanding the fact that th**area for the exhaust is much more restricted than in thewater-tube type, which is a condition that would make theheater somewhat more efficient at the expense of engine econ- 562 ELECTRIC RAILWAY REVIEW September, 1906. omy. The heating surfaces of the tubes in the steam-tubetype are very efficient, due to the rapid flow of steam throughthe tubes and the complete removal of the air that may becontained therein. The outside