. La revisione della ferrovia stradale. Il consolidato quando la società precedente è stata fusa in quest'ultima ma dimessa, chiedendo di rimandare il 1 luglio; Il motivo dato dal sig. Heyward è che ha predetto per continuare nel ramo o|)erating della ferrovia di strada.Thomas C. Jenkins, il figlio di (ieorge C. Jenkins il sovrintendentof movent power, è stato eletto segretario del Consolidated. I molti amici di Clemente C. Smith, sovrintendente della Falk Manufacturmg Company, impareranno con profondo rammarico la morte del fratello Walter C. Smith. Era responsabile della costruzione di una strada a Norf
2963 x 843 px | 25,1 x 7,1 cm | 9,9 x 2,8 inches | 300dpi
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. The street railway review . the Consolidated when theformer company was merged in the latter but resigned, asking to berelieved on July 1; the reason given by Mr. Heyward is that he pre-ferred to continue in the o|)erating branch of street railroading.Thomas C. Jenkins, the son of (ieorge C. Jenkins the superintendentof motive power, has been elected secretary of the Consolidated. The many friends of Clement C. Smith, superintendent of theFalk Manufacturmg Company, will learn with deep regret of thedeath of his brother, Walter C. Smith. He was in charge of the con-struction of a road at Norfolk, Va., and with a party of friends wentbathing in the shallow water near Craney Island Light, in the Eliza-beth river. While swimming he was taken with cramps and lostbefore help could reach him. The body was recovered five dayslatiT and brought to Milwaukee for interment. The deceased was ayoung man of much promise, and his sudden death lends unusualsadness to the terminaion of a bright future. 480 (^ltiectff^ailw:ay5^e^^. The Davis Rail Brake Company has been incorporatedat Detroit, Mich., to manufacture street and steam car brakes. The Pennsylvania Steel Company is supplying the 64-lb.T and the SS-lb. girder rail for the new Falls Road ElectricRailway at Baltimore, Md. Smethurst & Allen of Philadelphia have the contract forall the overhead work on the big interurban of the Mead-ville Traction Company at Meadville, Pa. The Automatic Electric Traction Company has beenincorporated at Chicago. The capital stock is $30, 000, andthe incorporators are Zebulon Foster, Edward Foster, Stanton Foster and William G. Foster. The Ball Engine Company, Erie, Pa., is building two125-h. p. horizontal tandem compound engines which willbe used for the electric transmission of power and light in alarge works in the city of Moscow, Russia. Macartney, McElroy & Co., of New York, have beenawarded the contract to supply all of the material requiredand to construct eight miles of road for the Sherbr