. La revisione di Cuba. CANDIDATUUA LIBERALE COALIGION rara Prcsldeiiie: Jo=6 Miguel Gomez y Oomcz Para Vice Prrsidonle: AlTicdo Zay.-È Alfonfio * CANDIDATURA GONSERVADOR NA6I0NAL Para Prcsideiitc: VlariQfJnrcia Mcnocal Para Vice RPC^idoiiti':. Para votni-ii fhvor de todo? Los uaiidi- datos que.figuren fin esta caiididatiira, sc harS n.a. ciiiz dentrd del cuadrado que apareccra a la izquierda del norabre dc cada uno de los aindidatos de estacolumna. CANDIDATURA OE COLOR Para Prcsidente: Xo ticne candidato Para Vice Prcsiilente: Xo tigoe caodldato £n csta escribiv coluninn, debajo del r (le CHtla auto
1664 x 1501 px | 28,2 x 25,4 cm | 11,1 x 10 inches | 150dpi
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. The Cuba review. CANDIDATUUA COALIGION LIBERAL rara Prcsldeiiie: Jo=6 Miguel Gomez y Oomcz Para Vice Prrsidonle: AlTicdo Zay.-is Alfonfio * CANDIDATURA GONSERVADOR NA6I0NAL Para Prcsideiitc: VlariQfJnrcia Mcnocal Para Vice Prc^idoiiti':. Para votni-ii fhvor de todo? los uaiidi- datos que.figuren fin esta caiididatiira, sc harS una ciiiz dentrd del cuadrado que apareccra a la izquierda del norabre dc cada uno de los aindidatos de estacolumna. CANDIDATURA OE COLOR Para Prcsidente: Xo ticne candidato Para Vice Prcsiilente: Xo tigoe caodldato £n csta coluninn escribiv, debajo del r (le CHtla cargo, los dc qire no figuren en l« podium 1 ciialesqui( bolela, y a personaa I cuyo fa- Aiistralian Ballot used in the Cuban Elections. The Negro Party, as will be seen, used the horse as a party emblem and named no candidates for President or Vice-President. Balota de Australia empleada en las elecciones Cubanas. El Partido Negro, como se verd, empleo una caballo como emblema del Partido, y no nombro candidatos para Presidente y Vice- Presidente. Governor Magoon congratulated General Gomez, saying: "The honor you have received is augmented and your gratification doubtless increased by the fact that the election was a complete, fair and untrammelled expression of the will of the electors, recorded at the polls without interference of restraint, in the orderly ob- servance of the requirements of the law. The confidence of your countrymen, a jewel of the highest value, comes to you in the form of the highest trust your country can give." President Roosevelt also sent a congratulatory message by cable, saying: "The conduct of this election shows in an impressive fashion the seriousness with which the Cuban people have prepared themselves once more to assume the duties of a free and independent republic. In two months from this date your government will assume complete control. The United States authorities will once more turn over to the representatives of the Cuban