. La rivista americana di roentgoenologia, radioterapia e medicina nucleare . 4 litri di acqua al minuto attraverso l'anodo a circa 30 libbre di pressione. Con un carico del tubo di 50 ma.a 250,000 volt, la temperatura dell'acqua che ha lasciato l'anodo era di 70°C. e la temperatura è stata abbassata a 50°C. nel teradiatore. Una pompa ad ingranaggi è stata scelta come non preferita ad una pompa centrifuga poiché assicurava un flusso continuo di acqua, einoltre, ha fornito la pressione necessariper forzare acqua sufficiente attraverso la tubazione di rame piccolo. Era necessario proidi somemeans per la protezione contro il guasto dell'acqua con un'azione di controllo
1946 x 1285 px | 33 x 21,8 cm | 13 x 8,6 inches | 150dpi
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. The American journal of roentgenology, radium therapy and nuclear medicine . 4 liters of waterper minute through the anode at about 30lbs. pressure. With a tube load of 50 ma.at 250, 000 volts, the temperature of thewater as it left the anode was 70°C. and the temperature was lowered to 50°C. in theradiator. A gear pump was chosen inpreference to a centrifugal pump becauseit assured a continuous flow of water, andfurthermore, gave the pressure necessaryto force sufficient water through the smallcopper tubing. It was necessary to proide somemeans for guarding against failure of thewater circulation while the tube was oper-ating, as such failure would involve theimmediate destruction of the target. Thisassurance of an uninterrupted water supplywas secured by installing a section ofSylphon tube (f) on the high-pressureside of the pump and connecting one endof the Sylphon chamber of a rod (i) oper-ating contacts (J) in the circuit of a relaywhich controlled a contactor locatedin the primary circuit of the x-raytransformer. Details of this safety device are given. lu, . 4. Water-cooled high-voltage tube and accessories. in Figure 5. It is evident from this diagramthat, unless the contacts (a) are broughttogether by expansion of the Sylphontubing (b) due to pressure of the circulatingwater, the contactor (c) will not be oper-ated and current cannot pass through theprimary of the .x-ray transformer (d). A similar safety device to assure suffi-cient cooling of the water might bedesigned to be operated by air from theblower or by the temperature of the wateritself. 5. CAPACITY OF THE TUBE Tubes of the type described above havebeen operated in the laboratory at 50 ma.and 250, 000 volts max. This was a load of A Water-cooled High-voltage X-Rav Tube 887 approximately 9 kilowatts. One tube wasoperated for 50 hrs. at this load withoutany change in the behavior of the tube. With suitable design, this type of tubecould apparently be made to handle evenmuch larger amount of energy