. La rivista americana di roentgoenologia, radioterapia e medicina nucleare . sfugge da pieghe della mucosa,e forme anatomiche diflerenti sono attrib-uted alle valvulae conniventes del meccanismo 92 di movimento della membrana mucosa del duodeno digestivo Tract e dei piccoli intestini. Il pensiero di un cambiamento di forma dei foldsdella membrana mucosa, a causa della loro propria amovement, è stato interamente ignorato. Ma uno studio più approfondito della struttura del rilievo delle pieghe della membrana del themucous degli intestini sulle preparazioni anatomiche e sugli intestini di livingoine wi
1914 x 1305 px | 32,4 x 22,1 cm | 12,8 x 8,7 inches | 150dpi
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. The American journal of roentgenology, radium therapy and nuclear medicine . sfree from folds of the mucous membrane, and diflerent anatomical forms are attrib-uted to the valvulae conniventes of the 92 Mechanism of Movement of the Mucous Membrane of the Digestive Tract duodenum and the small intestines. Allthought of a change of form of the foldsof the mucous membrane, on account of amovement of their own, has been com-pletely ignored. But a closer study of thestructure of the relief of the folds of themucous membrane of the intestines onanatomical preparations and on the livingintestines will give rise to another view. areas a and d of the lower preparation, it will be noted that in spite of the duo-denum having the same outer width, areaa has low, simple folds, few in number, anda wide lumen, whereas area d has high, complicated, closely-placed folds and inarrow lumen. These phenomena are not unique, butappear everywhere in well-conserved, ana-tomical preparations of the duodenum.The bulbus duodeni, which until now wassupposed to be free from folds, has a very. Flc. 8. A series ul Iniir roentgenograms of a ii..ini;ilduodenal bulb. Figure 7 shows two anatomical prepara-tions (2, 11) of the duodenum from pa-tients with normal intestinal canals, whodied of pneumonia. The preparationsrepresent the posterior half of the entireduodenum. The stomach is cut awaythrough the canalis pylori. (P, pylorus;B, bulbus duodeni.) The upper preparation on the pictureshows a bulb with smooth mucous mem-brane, as it is generally described. Inthe lower picture the mucous membrane inthe bulbus is deeply folded with cerebralgvrus-like folds. If comparisons are madebetween the diiferent areas of the sameduodenum, for instance, between the Fig. 0- A series oF four roentgenograms of a normalduodenal bulb and the superior part of the duodenum, made at two-minute intervals. changeable relief of the mucous membrane, similar to the entire duodenum. The depth and form of the relief of themucous me