. La rivista americana di roentgoenologia, radioterapia e medicina nucleare . t sufficientemente grande per indicare un allargamento della testa del pancreas. Una porzione ristretta del theduodenum è stata trovata appena all'inizio dell'arto ascendente, formando un hourglassduodenum. L'ampolla di Vater e la prima porzione del condotto comune si accederedto fino al bario, senza dubbio a causa della marcata distensione del duodeno. Il cappuccio del Teduodenal in se è apparso normale. Il duodeno poteva essere riempito alla flessione duodeno-jejunale senza ulteriori involvementche era evidente. Alla fine di cinque eone-hal
1387 x 1801 px | 23,5 x 30,5 cm | 9,2 x 12 inches | 150dpi
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. The American journal of roentgenology, radium therapy and nuclear medicine . t sufficientlylarge to indicate an enlargement of the headof the pancreas. A constricted portion of theduodenum was found just at the beginningof the ascending limb, forming an hourglassduodenum. The ampulla of Vater and thefirst portion of the common duct appearedto till with barium, doubtless because ofthe marked distention of the duodenum. Theduodenal cap itself appeared normal. The duodenum could be filled to the duodeno-jejunal flexure without further involvementwhich was apparent. At the end of five andone-half hours the stomach was emptj hut theduodenum was still filled with barium. Thehead of the barium column at this time wasin the transverse colon. On the following morning the colon waspractically empty excepting the descendingportion and the sigmoid. A second contrastmeal was now given and a plate made of theentire abdomen. This shows the stomachsituated well to the left of the median line.The pylorus was patulous and the duodenumfilled quickly to the point of constriction.. Case II. Duodenal Ulcer beyond the Bulb. Patientstanding.This plate was one of several taken alter a gastro-enterostomy, because of the return of symptoms. Theanastomosis, indicated by the arrows, is functional.No vicious circle was found. The duodenum could notbe filled. A studv of stomach outlines on the variousplates and by means of the fluorescent screenin various positions of the body shows nofilling defects or contractures indicative ofeither ulcer or cancer. The pylorus itself andthe duodenal cap appear normal. There isno sign on the x-ray plates of a tumor. Thestomach appears displaced to the left butshows no pressure deformity or filling defect. There is no enlargement of the liver orspleen. No gall-stones could be found on anyof the plates. I Hi Behavior of the Stomach in Ulcer and Cancer of the Duodenum The following recapitulation is an ar-rangement and an interpretation as in the foregoing case