. La rivista dei dipendenti di Baltimora e Ohio . ral si è tenuta domenica e wasone del più grande mai tenuto a Keyser. Itwas responsabile dei Cavalieri^ di Pitiasand Fratellanza di locomotori uomini-motori e vigili del fuoco. Un servizio memoriale per il Sig. Warner nella High SchoolAuditorium, in riconoscimento del suo wonderfulser4ce come membro del Consiglio della Scuola. Estendiamo alla famiglia lambita la simpatia sincera. Può essere di interesse per molti Keyseremployes e anche per il pubblico, a conoscenza che il primo deposito che l'azienda ha mai hadin Keyser è ancora in piedi. E 'stato spostato, 3ears fa, in un'altra posizione, un
1299 x 1923 px | 22 x 32,6 cm | 8,7 x 12,8 inches | 150dpi
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. Baltimore and Ohio employees magazine . ral was held on Sunday and wasone of the largest ever held in Keyser. Itwas in charge of the Knights^ of Pythiasand Brotherhood of Locomotive Engine-men and Firemen. A memorial service washeld for Mr. Warner in the High SchoolAuditorium, in recognition of his wonderfulser4ce as a member of the School Board. We extend to the bereaved family ourheartfelt sympathy. It may be of interest to many Keyseremployes and the public as well, to knowthat the first depot the Company ever hadin Keyser is still standing. It was moved, 3ears ago, to another location, and UncleHarrison Ross moved into it. UncleHarrison was one of those old time darkies, of the old school, and in this house he spentfifty years of his life. The building islocated on East Water Street and is nowoccupied by Uncle Harrisons son-in-law, Bob Gray, the genial porter at thepassenger station. We hope to be able to get a picture of Please mention our magazine when writing advertisers r:S Bainmoie and Ohio Magazine. February, IQ22 I. Uncle Jack Ravenscroft, as we best knew him Keysers first depot, soon, and to see it inthe Magazine. Agent Stover and his forces at thefreight and passenger stations took up acollection among themselves at Christmastime, and purchased food which was dis-tributed among the poor of the community. Such acts of charity and thoughtfulnessfor their fellow men who are less fortunate, are to be commended. Every railroad man on the west end ofthe Cumberland Division, knows of thedandy caboose, in charge of ConductorSlick McMakin, and which has beenmentioned in the Magazine. The corre-spondent rode in that cab some time agoand wrote about it in the November issue.It is fine and the captain and crew deserveall the nice things that have been said aboutthem. Now comes another one, and maybeif we would look around we will find somemore good housekeepers on this division.Conductor Harry Fonncr has charge ofCab C993. His crew is composed of O. C.Murray, C. C.