. La storia naturale degli uccelli britannici, o UNA selezione degli uccelli più rari, belli e interessanti che abitano questo paese : le descrizioni del Systema naturae di Linnaeus : con osservazioni generali, originali o raccolte dagli ultimi e più stimati ornitologi inglesi : e abbellito da figure, disegnate, incise e colorate dagli esemplari originali . ill. N. orn. Pag. 238. edw. pi 259. (maschio.) BR. Sgabello. 1. N* 144. Ara. Z00L Lath. Gen. SYN. 4. 178. 4. La Bergerette. av. Belon. 351. La Bergoronette jaune, Motacilla flava. brif. av* pag. 3. 471. t. 23. fig* 3-
1344 x 1860 px | 22,8 x 31,5 cm | 9 x 12,4 inches | 150dpi
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Questa immagine potrebbe avere delle imperfezioni perché è storica o di reportage.
. The natural history of British birds, or, A selection of the most rare, beautiful and interesting birds which inhabit this country : the descriptions from the Systema naturae of Linnaeus : with general observations, either original or collected from the latest and most esteemed English ornithologists : and embellished with figures, drawn, engraved, and coloured from the original specimens . ill. Orn. p. 238. Edw. pi 259. (male.) Br. Zool. 1. N* 144. Ara. Z00L Lath. Gen. Syn. 4. 178. 4. La Bergerette. Belon. av. 351. La Bergoronette jaune, Motacilla flava. Brif. av* p. 3. 471. t. 23. fig* 3- (male.) Three kinds of Wagtails are found in this country, the Common, or White, the Yellow, and the Grey; the two former we have alreadyfigured •> the latter is a very elegant bird, and appears to be the rareftof the three fpecies, it breeds in the north of England; fuppofed notnearer than Cumberland *, and departs fouthward in October. In the male only the chin and throat are black. Length feven inchesand an half. All the birds of this genus frequent watery places; are very lively, and have a brifk motion in their tails * They feed on Infe&s. Theneft of the Grey Wagtail is made on the ground ; it is compofed ofdried fibres and mofs> lined with wool or feathers within; it containsfrom fix to eight eggs, of a dirty white, marked with yellow fpots. * Latbomy Gen. Sjn. PLATE 4. PLATE XLL CUCULUS CANORUS.COMMON CUCKOW. PlC5, Bill comprefTed, convex. GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill roundifh and curved a little. Noftrils bounded by a fmallmargin. Tongue fhort, pointed. Toes two forward, two backward.Ten feathers in the Tail. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Above afh-colour. Beneath white, waved with tranfverfe blacklines. Tail cuneated, black, with white fpots. Cuculus Canorus. cauda aequali nigricante albo punclata. — Linn. Syji. Nat. i. no. 52. I. edit. io. .Scop. Ann. I. p. 44. N°48, Brun. N° 36. Georgi Reifey p. 165. Sepp. vog. pi. in p. 117. Faun Arag. p. 73.CyCKOW. Raii. Syn. p. 23. Wil