. La strada ferrovia review. F acqua su cui ben attrezzata livrea barca è mantenuto, compresi i lanci di energia, barche a file, ecc vicino al lago è un grande edificio che contiene piscine Swim-ming che sono tra le più grandi del paese. Questi riempiti con l'acqua di zolfo calda che scorre costantemente che viene fromllie terra ad una profondità di circa 600 ft. E ad una temperatura di circa 110° F. poichè questa è acqua corrente, rimane sempre pulito e ri-rinfrescando. Questo parco è utilizzato anche come centro benessere, e nel samebuilding con le piscine arco una serie di bagni privati dotati di porcela
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. The street railway review . f water upon whicha well-equipped boat livery is maintained, including power launches, row boats, etc. Near the lake is a large building containing swim-ming pools which are among the largest in the country. These arefilled with the constantly flowing hot sulphur water coming fromllie earth at a depth of about 600 ft. and at a temperature of about110° F. .As this is running water, it always remains clean and re-freshing. This park is also used as a health resort, and in the samebuilding with the swimming pools arc a number of private bathrooms equipped with porcelain tubs, reclining cots, etc., where hotsulphur tub baths arc provided. The accompanying illustrationsshow several views in Urbita licit Springs Park. PHIL.DELPHI., FA. One of the most widely-known attractions of Philadelphia is Wil-low Grove Park which is operated by the Philadelphia Rapid TransitCo., but as an enterprise separate and distinct from any of the com-panys railway properties. The park is located in Montgomery. VIEWS IN IIKIUTA lliiT SlKlN(;s I.VKK, S.N liKR.N AKDl.Nn, lAL. Bell states that the park has been operated for three sunnners andhas been very successful, with excellent prospects for 1903. Theremunerative attractions have been theatrical entertainments byslock companies with vaudeville teams bclwccn acts. The parkcomprises 40 acres and includes a half-mile training track. SAN BERNARDINO, CAL. i he San Bernardino Valley Traction Co., of .San Bernardino, al., owns a mile race track located three miles from the center of.San Bernardino and seven miles from Rcdiands, upon the com-panys Rcdiands extension. This tr.ick is used for winter meets andtraining of horse.t, and a base ball and foot ball field is containe<lwithin the race course. This has proved to be a good feeder forthe companys lints and a great attraction (o winter tourists. Inaddition to the race track a park called Urbita Hot Springs Park isimncd liy some of the rlircclors of the traction co