. La vecchia colonia, o terra di Pilgrim : passato e presente. Arredato l'asilumdove Malbone e Allston sono stati istruiti da questo artista nei ru-diments della loro arte. Ci sono anche alcune immagini di Stuart nella Biblioteca di legno Rosso. In un senso non inferiore Newport può pretendere di essere il thecradle dell'arte del paese, per qui ai periodi iniziali alcuni dei themost entusiasti e determinati elettori della chiamata hanno vissuto e sopportato. Ma grandi, come lo sono il fascino storico e le associazioni di questa località favorita, prendono un posto molto inferiore rispetto all'attrazione naturaland featurale
1215 x 2057 px | 20,6 x 34,8 cm | 8,1 x 13,7 inches | 150dpi
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. The old colony, or, Pilgrim land : past and present . furnished the asylumwherein Malbone and Allston were instructed by this artist in the ru-diments of their art. There are also some Stuart pictures in the Red-wood Library. In a not inferior sense Newport may claim to be thecradle of the art of the country, for here at early periods some of themost enthusiastic and determined votaries of the calling lived andtoiled and endured. But great as are the historic charms and associations of this favoredlocality, they take vastly inferior place when compared with the naturaland featural attractions of the island. Here are to be found absolutelyall the requisites which must or may enter into the constitution of acomplete seashore watering-place, and all the elements are of aquality unrivalled elsewhere in existence. The landscapes, the unri-valled water-views, the magnificent shores lying between the two —Avhat bit of country elsewhere can equal these? The breezes whichperpetually play over this localhry- possess the peculiar invigorating 13. VTLW.5 AT EEWrlJKS *W-> 1!) qualities which distinguish all the shore situations of south-easternMassachusetts and New England, and their life and health-giving prop-erties have more than once been alluded to in these pages. The im-mense water surface surrounding the place, renovating and purifyingby ceaseless movement, ensures a constant succession of cool air cur-rents, disposing to sleep among the summer heats, and providing forsoundest slumbers under any reasonable circumstances. There isnothing pent-up or confined about the Newport situation. One maywander for miles, and ride or walk for hours together, with no naturalreminder that there are limits to the situation; indeed, in summer, hereis an apparent Paradise without bounds. The land surface is undulat-ing, carpeted in season with brightest verdure and vegetable growth;the shores are alternate beaches and ledges, overhung with white cliffsor brown crags, or gently slopi