. Le atrocità roumaniane sulla popolazione bulgara di Dobrudja rapite in Moldavia. ubi Ignateff .... 50 i Ivan K. Dioulgeroff. 35 * » ? Eftim Katrandjieff. . 39 W t Ivan Katrandjieff . . 40 m M 1 Peter Ivantcheff. . 37 n IT Kunio Ivantcheff . . 42 * t lordan Staneff .... 41 pastore lussein Barieff .... 22 • giardiniere flssen D. Handjieff . 25 * barista Neytcho Ivanoff. . 65 ruota destra Veliko Stoyanoff . . 60 COMPATORE Todor V. Dolashika, 50 lavoratore Lazar Grosdeff .... 32 * Geor. IV. Chochkoff . 23 agricoltore Ilia Eneff 60 pastore Dimo Christoff .... 29 * barista 65 lavoratrice flsp
1307 x 1912 px | 22,1 x 32,4 cm | 8,7 x 12,7 inches | 150dpi
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. The Roumanian atrocities over the Bulgarian population of Dobroudja abducted into Moldova. ubi Ignateff .... 50 i Ivan K. Dioulgeroff . 35 * » ? Eftim Katrandjieff. . 39 w tt Ivan Katrandjieff . . 40 m M 1 Peter Ivantcheff. . 37 n It Kunio Ivantcheff . . 42 * tt lordan Staneff .... 41 shepherd lussein Barieff .... 22 • gardener flssen D. Handjieff . 25 * bar-keeper Neytcho Ivanoff. . 65 wheelwright Veliko Stoyanoff . . 60 farmer Todor V. Dolashika , . 50 laborer Lazar Grosdeff .... 32 * Geor. Iv. Chochkoff . 23 farmer Ilia Eneff 60 shepherd Dimo Christoff .... 29 * bar-keeper 65 laborer flsparuch Stantcheff . 30 W „ farmer Panayot Shtereff . . 50 Baladja Den. Yordanoff .... 39 Bogdanovo tt 27 ? Vassil Stoyanoff. . 60 Ivan flngeloff .... 26 tt flndreia Mihailoff . . 24 fl. Kouioussou lordan Petroff .... 38 Toikouioussou Gotcho Eneff 51 Dobritch merchant Tota flngeloff .... 80 laborer Eniou Vassileff .... 39 Dimiter Topaloff . , 48 Kavarna Sava Bogdanoff. . 90 fl. Kouioussou gardener Michel Paskaleff . . 30 Dobritch shepherd 74. 9 whole family massacred in their own home at Sreberna by pitiless Roumanians Name nge , ; Orrn natron Nedelia Stoyanova. . 28 flyorman housekeeper D. Jous. Mehmedoff . 50 Dobritch gardener L. Jous. Mehmedoff . 45 farmer Moustapha fllieff . . 26 Vissel Rioustemoff. . 30 Djemaled. Septaroff . 55 ? laborer Hachid Selimoff. . 26 ? shoemaker Jounouss Heussein. . 32 farmer flbibula Kaiuloff . . 33 laborer Rairn Kara flhmed . 18 flli Kara Moustafoff . 16 n 9 M. H. Tchakuroff . . 17 ? farmer H. Has. Ibriamoff . . 28 ? I* Dervish Shabanoff. . 15 * Roushid Shtabanoff . 29 Vissel fldiloff 24 •• Zekeria flbd. Halil. . 28 „ flli Mehmedoff .... 21 Osman Hairedinoff . 20 » flhmed flrifoff .... 34 »» flhmed Selemedoff . 35 i ? »» LIST No 2. of persons killed outright or dead as result of privations, hunger and assault, citizens of Kara-Omour, departmentof Silistra, abducted into Roumania Aug. 21, 1916, thisbeing the first list on hand. The o