Le malattie delle donne : un manuale per gli studenti e i professionisti . Più fre-quently la decidua è scaricata in pezzi durante il periodo di lavoro o è espulso intero con segni di disCAR-riage. Le decidue hanno uno spessore variabile da 6 a 8 mm. TheyMay può essere descritto come borse che assomigliano nel profilo ad un isoscelestriangle (Fig. 83). La base corrisponde al fondo dell'utero, e l'apice all'apertura interna del canale cer-vinico. Ad ogni angolo del triangolo c'è un open-ing. Quelli agli angoli basali corrispondono ai tubi Fallo-pian, e l'orifizio apicale alla c cervicale
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The diseases of women : a handbook for students and practitioners . period. More fre-quently the decidua is discharged in pieces during the earlyperiod of labor or is expelled whole with signs of miscar-riage. Deciduae vary in thickness from 6 to 8 mm. Theymay be described as bags resembling in outline an isoscelestriangle (Fig. 83). The base corresponds to the fundus ofthe uterus, and the apex to the internal opening of the cer-vical canal. At each angle of the triangle there is an open-ing. Those at the basal angles correspond to the Fallo-pian tubes, and the apical orifice to the cervical canal. Theouter aspect is shaggy, and the inner surface is dotted withthe orifices of uterine glands. The angle corresponding to DISEASES OF THE FALLOPIAN TUBES. 237 the internal orifice of the cervical canal is often representedby a large opening. The histology of a decidua is best studied in sections cutparallel with the surface. In this way the epithelium liningthe ducts of the uterine glands is well shown. The spacesnot lined with epithelium are blood-vessels.. Fig. 83.—Uterus with the decidua in situ (from a case of tubal pregnancy). It is useful, for clinical purposes, to be familiar with themicroscopic characters of decidual, because it happens thatan early uterine abortion often simulates primary rupture ofa gravid tube, and vice versa. On examining shreds whichhave escaped from the vagina one is able to decide bymeans of the microscope whether they are fragments ofdecidua or chorionic villi from a uterine conception. Displacement of the Placenta.—Up to the date of 238 DISEASES OF WOMEN. primary rupture the formation of the placenta has beenproceeding in relation with the mucous membrane of thetube, but after this occurrence, if the disturbance is notsevere enough to terminate the pregnancy, the course ofevents is modified in a remarkable manner, and the ultimateresult is largely determined by the relative position of thefcetus and placenta. When the embryo is situat