Le truppe dell'Unione Sovietica e il suo patto di Varsavia alleati hanno invaso la Cecoslovacchia il 21 agosto 1968, per fermare liberalizzazione politica nel paese calle
Troops of the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies invaded Czechoslovakia on August 21, 1968, to halt political liberalization in the country called the Prague Spring. Prague residents block tanks during confrontation between the Soviet troops and protesters near the Czechoslovak Radio headquarters. Chris Rooney from Liverpool set out for his pen-friend in Prague in August 1968, unexpectedly appeared in the middle of the events that frightened him, but still he started taking photos of both the Soviet troops and barricades at the Wenceslas Square, he has told CTK. When doing so, he was captured by Libor Hajsky, a photographer for the Czech News Agency (CTK). The photo at which Rooney was standing on an overturned van under a Czechoslovak flag became one of the iconic descriptions of the events in August 1968. Rooney only said briefly before the 50th anniversary of the occupation that he was the photographed man on the van. He gave the so far published photos and an interview to CTK. (CTK Photo/Christopher Rooney)
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