Listino prezzi all'ingrosso di Dreer : semi di fiori per fioristi piante per fioristi bulbi per fioristi semi vegetali fertilizzanti, fungicidi, insetticidi, attrezzi, ecc . llow Single Large-flowering. Misto Ji-lb., 1,25 dollari doppio grande-fioritura. Primula Mista. Il membro più importante di questa famiglia al fiorista è la Primrose cinese frange, la nostra offerta di cui procurare fromthe migliori fonti, e sicuro di dare la stessa soddisfazione in thebe che ha in passato. Le varietà Obconica sono anche verypopular, facendo belle piante di vaso per la fioritura invernale. Varietà Cinesi Frange. Tr.
1385 x 1803 px | 23,5 x 30,5 cm | 9,2 x 12 inches | 150dpi
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Dreer's wholesale price list : flower seeds for florists plants for florists bulbs for florists vegetable seeds fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides, implements, etc . llow Single Large-flowering. Mixed Ji-lb., $1.25 Double Large-flowering. Mixed Primula. The most important member of this family to the florist is theFringed Chinese Primrose, our supply of which we procure fromthe best sources, and sure to give the same satisfaction in thefuture that it has in the past. The Obconica varieties are also verypopular, making beautiful pot plants for winter blooming. Fringed Chinese Varieties. Tr. pkt. Alba Magnlflca. Extra fine, fringed white $0 75 Covent Garden Red. A fine bright red 76 Covent Garden White. The freest flowering pare white. 76 Crimson King. Rich luminous crimson 1 00 Rosy Morn. A fine pink 1 00 Stellata. Fine decorative variety. Mixed colors 75 Qlant Flowering. A robust very large-flowering type, mixed colors 1 00 Dreers Choicest Mixed. Made up of the finest named varieties; the best procurable 76 Tr. pkt Oz. 10 to 20 10 20 10 20 10 25 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 15 10 15 20 60 20 60 20 60 20 60 20 60 20 60 10 40 30 1 60 25 15 50 10 20 10 20 10. DREER S SELECT LARGE-FLOWERING PHLOX DRUMMONDI HENRY A. DREER, PHILADELPHIA, PA., WHOLESALE PRICE LIST 17 Primula Obconlca. A splendid free-flowering type; the Grandiflora varieties are the freest flowering, but lack the very large individual blooms of the newer Gigantea sorts, which have flowers as large as the Chinese sorts. Tr. pkt. Qrandlflora Alba. Pure white 50 Appleblossom. Soft pink 50 Kermeslna. Crimson 50 Rosea. Clear rose 50 Finest Mixed. All colors. $1.00 per Vie oz. . 50 aisantea Kermeslna. Rich crimson 75 Rosea. Fine rose 75 Choicest Mixed. $1.50 per Via oz 75 Various Primroses. Kewensls. A fine free flowering yellow 50 Malaceoldes (Improved Baby Primrose). Free-flowering lilac 50 Alba. Pure white 60 Rosea. Bright rose 75 Pyretiirum. The well-known Golden Feather so much used in ribbon bor-ders, bedding,