Lo standard di amianto cemento amianto di infeltrimento camera aria locomotiva di amianto in ritardo amianto feltro rivestimento ecc. NEW YORK. 9.J.Overfissernenfo. All'interno di ciascuna pagina di inserimento - 75 centesimi una linea. Torna alla pagina precedente ogni inserimento - . - 61.00 una linea. PierceWellExcavatorCo artesiana. New York. Il solo vero trattato sull'argomento. Il mulino a vento come motore primario. MUNN & CO. 361 Broadway New York. Istituto internazionale per il 717121. Originale e unica artefice ot HARRIS-MOTORE CORLISS BREVETTI. tenta ecc cific edificio vicino 7th Street Washington D. C. ere. C. A. SCHIEREN & CO. Columbia Biciclette e tricicli
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THE STANDARD ASBESTOS CEMENT FELTING ASBESTOS AIR CHAMBER ASBESTOS LOCOMOTIVE LAGGING ASBESTOS LINING FELT ETC. NEW YORK. 9.J.Overfissernenfo. Inside Page each insertion - 75 cents a line. Back Page each insertion - . - 61.00 a line. ARTESIAN PierceWellExcavatorCo. New York. The only Real Treatise on the Subject. The Windmill as a Prime Mover. MUNN & CO. 361 Broadway New York. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR 717121. Original and Only Builder ot the HARRIS-CORLISS ENGINE PATENTS. tenta etc. cific Building near 7th Street Washington D. C. ere. C. A. SCHIEREN & CO. Columbia Bicycles and Tricycles. CATALOGUE SENT FREE. Braneh Hou 12 Warren St. New York; 5 Wabash Ave. Chicago. HOLD MEDAL PARIS 1878. BAILER'S Broalast Cocoa. with Starch Arrowroot or Sugar. and is therefore far more economi strengthening easily digested and admirably adapted for invalids as Sold by Grocers everywhere. uable technical papers on the manufacture of this im. portant commercial product. The American manufac ture of corn glucose. The conversions—Starch Dextrine Complete Glucose. Depreciation of a glucose factory. Fire risks of glucose factories and manufactures. Glu. nose factory ignitions and fires. The Hirsh improved process of manufacturing sugar from corn. Wolff's im proved process. Furbish's process of glucose manu facture. Pigeon's improved process of manufacturing the same. k nil details of each m.hod. Illustrated with pilimENT Nos. '25 and 260. Price 10 cents each. T ' PATENT JACKET KETTLES Plain or Porcelain Lined. Tested to 100 lb. HAND BURR St CO. Tan Dozen's Patent Steam Pump Hot or Cold. Is Water or Liquids .) Has no moving parts consequently no wear no repairs. no trouble. Purchasers Pump. Above comparison with Jet Pumps Ejectors etc. made of Iron. Demand this Pump of your dealer and take no cheap substitute. We make Ten tic foundations. tunnels canals and river improvement. boiler. Sun and tide motors. Aerial navigation. Water supply. Transmission of power. Illumination. Liquid fro