. Malattie e nemici del pollame. Examiuatiou di queste cavità mostreranno che contengono parassiti. Spesso, una cavità contiene una vecchia femmina e un gran numero di giovani.questi giovani sono nati vivi, in modo che non sono presenti uova negli scab a meno che una femmina è stata schiacciata e le uova sono sfuggiti dal suo corpo. Nel tempo, la malattia è-viene così male che il birdcannot camminare. Si trova su itsbreast, luppolo circa fromplace a posto, diventa sottile e finalmente muore fromsposstion. Non è molto diticultto curare questa malattia, pro-vided attenzione attenta isdevoted ad essa. La prima cosa da fare è r
986 x 2534 px | 8,3 x 21,5 cm | 3,3 x 8,4 inches | 300dpi
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. Diseases and enemies of poultry . examiuatiou Of these cavities will showthat they contain parasites. Frequently, a cavity willcontain an old female and a large number of young.These young are born alive, so that no eggs are presentin the scabs unless a female has been crushed and theeggs have escaped from her body. In time, the disease be-comes so bad that the birdcannot walk. It lies on itsbreast, hops about fromplace to place, becomesthin and at last dies fromexhaustion. It is not very ditticultto cure this disease, pro-vided careful attention isdevoted to it. The firstthing to do is to remove thediseased fowl from theflOClv, disinfect the poultryhouse, the nests andperches. The treatment ofthe individual begins withthe removal of the scab sothat the parasite may beleached and destroyed.The scab may be removedby soaking it with oil, either swc^t oil or cotton-seed. This should be applied ficcly and alloAved toremain for twenly-foui-lioMi-s. after which largeso<-ti(nis of the cnist mav be taken away without ()ain. The Foot of a Fowl AfkectkhWith Mange. 85 to the bird, or vaseline or soft soap may be used forthe same purpose. The action of the oil may be iuteusified by wrappinjj^ the le<is in cotton after it is ap-plied and binding the co-tton on with a narrow band-age or witli a soft oord. Following the removal ofthe scab, the legs should be treated with a solution ofbalsam of Peru in alcohol, equal parts. Or strong sul-phur ointment or creolin solution oue part, water, teuj)arts, may be applied once daily. B. Those not caused hy parasites.1. OOKNS. As a result of standing on too sharp or too narrowperches or having to fly from heights on to a hardfloor, the feet of fowls are sometimes irritated in sucha way that the skin becomes thick, hard and painful.These thickenings constitute corns and occasion somelameness and when the bird is caught and examinedclosely the cause of the trouble can be recognized with-out difficulty. The treatment consists in paring t