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Data acquisizione:
14 ottobre 2021
Altre informazioni:
Malieveld. Lange Vijverberg. House of Representatives. Hofvijver. Thursday 14th October, 2021. On the fourth-day of climate activities, Extinction Rebellion this afternoon held a silent march to commemorate the victims of the climate crisis. One-hundred and fifty ER rebels mostly dressed in black, walked in silence through the streets of The Hague on a four-kilometer march which took them past pollical party headquarters party offices of the VVD, CDA and D66. They carried placards emphasizing the victims of extreme weather during the past year. Leading the silent protest were the ‘Black-Rebels’, they escorted the funeral procession from the Malieveld, the short distance to the parliament buildings of The Hague, at this present time undergoing a five-year restoration. The procession then continued until it reached the party office of the CDA. Image: Extinction Rebellion’s silent ‘Black-Rebels’ on the Lange Vijverberg, with backs towards the Dutch parliament buildings by the Hofvijver, in The Hague city centre. © Charles M. Vella/SOPA Images/Alamy Stock Photo
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