Mar 02, 2012 - Villaggio birmano BAND. I birmani sono una gara musicale - per il loro proprio stile di musica... Quando un ragazzo buddista entra in un monastero... Nella remota Shan membri della Birmania, uno dei grandi giorni di un ragazzo in vita è quando egli entra in un monastero per un periodo di fino a una settimana di "induzione' nel 10 presepts della fede Buddist
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Mar. 02, 2012 - BURMESE VILLAGE BAND. The Burmese are a musical race - for their own style music... WHEN A BUDDHIST BOY ENTERS A MONASTERY... In the remote Shan states of Burma, one of the great days of a boy's life is when he enters a monastery for a period of up to one week's 'induction' into the 10 presepts of the Buddist faith. Dressed up in traditional robes, with face powdered and stencilled with floral designs and wearing an intricate headdress, the cost of which is often contributed to by an entire family and their friends, he and any other boys about to enter novicehood are carried around the monastery on the shoulders of adults for all the village to applaud. To celebrate the occasion everyone contributes presents for the monastery. these gifts range from mats and sools, to cutlery, waterpots, fans, skippers spittoons, betel boxes, tinned sardines, cigars etc. Music is provided by the quaint village band. Once the celebrations outside the monastery are over and the boys are taken in by the simple monks they are divested of their clothing and done the plain, simple robes of the novice. Almost at once their strict, disciplined training begins. Reading and prayers, the teaching of Gautama Buddha. The rules of Buddist life - all are taught so that when the boy heaves he is considered a full member of the faith. While studying with the monks, the boys live a life which depends for food on hogging. Thus, out on the streets these temporary novice monks may be seen with their alms bowls reciting the scriptures and collecting for themselves.These pictures were taken during induction festival and ceremony in the Shan Village of Mongnai. (Credit Image: Keystone Pictures USA/ZUMAPRESS)
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