. Meccanico maestro ferroviario . , prenderà un resto muchneeded. Ml-. J. B. Dailey è stato nominato meccanico principale del Rio Grande Western, con sede a Salt Lakecity, vice S. C. Smith, dimesso. Il Sig. P. H. Conradson che ha appena assunto la posizione di chimico del Grande X.ilii ir v.,.] >s è per sette anni nel laboratorio di I. - i la.l sotto Dr. Dudley. ForTwo Years II : i^ responsabile della chimica e test lahniiHiy .t tl, .New York JIC NewEngland Road a Norwood, il sig. J. B. Henney è il sovrintendente del potere motivo. Ml-. J. G. Clifford, ex Mobile
957 x 2611 px | 8,1 x 22,1 cm | 3,2 x 8,7 inches | 300dpi
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. Railway master mechanic . , will take a muchneeded rest. Ml-. J. B. Dailey has been appointed master mechanic ofthe Rio Grande Western, with headquarters at Salt Lakecity, vice S. C. Smith, resigned. Mr. P. H. Conradson who has just taken the position ofchemist of the Great X.ilii ir v., .] >s is for seven years inthe laboratory of the I. - i la.l under Dr. Dud- ley. Fortwo years ii : i^ in charge of the chemical and testing lahniiiHiy .t tl, .New York Jic NewEngland road at Norwood, Mr. J. B. Henney being thenthe superintendent of motive power. Ml-. J. G. Clifford, formerly of the Mobile shops of theLouisville & Nashvdlle, has been appointed to succeed Mr.W. P. Pike as master mechanic of the Louisville shops.Mr. Pike has been appointed as supei-intendcnt of theLouisville division of this system. We regi-et to note the death of Mi-. C. B. Street, mastermechanic of the Pittsbm-gh, Cinemnati & St. Louis, atDeonison, C, who died November 30, of heait failm-e, .Taxtiart, isni THE RAILWAY MASTER MECHANIC.. Ml-. S. P. Bush has been apiwinted as acting niastei-mechanic of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St. Louis, atDennison, Ohio, in place of Mr. C. B. Street, lately de.ceased. Mr. C. J. Clifford has been appointed general mastermechanic of the Chicago & Eastern lUinois, with heail-quartera at Danrille, 111., rice Allen Cooke who resigned Mr. Wm. F. TuiTeff, late of the Big Four, has been ap-pointed assistant superintendent of motive power in chargeof the mechanical department of the Eries western lines—the New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio, and the Chicago &Erie. Mr. Turreff has been serving the Chicago & Erie fora short time with the title of master mechanic, ami withheailquarters at Huntington, Ind. SUPPLY TRADE NOTES. —The Bridgeport Machine Tool Works .send us a veryhandsome catalogue illustrating and describing their excel-lent line of boring and turning mills, lathes, .screw ma-chines, shapers, etc. The illustrations are very finely ex-ecuted, and handsomely print