. Meccanico principale ferroviario [microform] . raced dai frontdrivers: Curva a 16 gradi = raggio di 358. Velocità 30 M. P. H. = 44 piedi al secondo. Peso sui perni di banco = 41,000.WV2 41,000 x442 P = = = =6,888 libbre. gv 32.2x358 braccio momento=cen-ter del bullone tofirst del piedistallo nel collegamento cilindro = 37.75.momento di piegatura ==6888 x 37.75 = 260,-000 pollici libbre momento di rotazione = 37.675. Sollecitazione della fibra = 7,960 lb. Per poll. Quadrati Dalle suddette sopracomazioni si possono trarre le conclusioni più assurde: Prima. L'inertiadel seguito della caldaia- l'improvvisa ap-moltiplicazione di frakesnon può produrre forza asufficiente per rompere il telaio.
1973 x 1267 px | 33,4 x 21,5 cm | 13,2 x 8,4 inches | 150dpi
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. Railway master mechanic [microform] . rried by the frontdrivers: 16 degree curve = 358 radius. Speed 30 M. P. H. = 44 feet per second. Weight on journals = 41, 000.WV2 41, 000 x442 P = = =6, 888 pounds. gv 32.2x358 Moment arm=cen-ter of pedestal tofirst bolt in cylinderconnection = 37.75.Bending moment ==6888 x 37.75 = 260, -000 inch lbs. Moment of rup-ture = 37.675. Fiber stress=7, 960lbs. per sq. in. From the abovecalculations the fol-lowing conclusionsmay be drawn: First. The inertiaof the boiler follow-ing- the sudden ap-plication of brakescan not produce asufficient force tobreak the frame. Second. The iner-tia of the boiler dueto the accelerationof the train by act-ing with other forcessuch as those pro-duced by water inthe cylinders, maybring about frac- I lire. Third. The dyna-mic effect of thecompression of waterin the cylinders isthe only force which, unaided, can causefailure of the framesby fatigue. It may be well topoint out that whenthe right side leads, the right side always 298 RAILWAY MASTER MECHANIC July, 1904.. pounds harder thanthe left. This is dueto the fact that whenthe right crankpasses the forwarddead center the leftcylinder is pullingforward so that itaids the right cylin-der in throwing theright box forwardagainst the back jawof the pedestal. Thesame is true on pass-ing the back deadcenter, but when theleft crank passes theforward center theright cylinder ispushing on the pin, thus s u b t r a ctingfrom the left cylin-der in pushing theleft box against theback jaw of the pe-destal. This shouldresult in breakingmore right than leftframes when theright side leads andvice versa • when theleft side leads. The discussion ofpiston valves is notwithin the scope .ofthis report, and the MM Plate: /V&e>. 7yp£t 4.-4-2. AM£/?/CM LOC. CQ subject is alluded toonly on account ofthe apparent diffi-culty of providingadequate relief fromthe presence ofwater. It is, there-fore, thought pertinent to suggest thatperhaps this side ofthe question shouidbe given