Michael Bunel / le Pictorium - MAYOTTE, ciclone Chido - 21/12/2024 - mayotte - diverse persone si schierano davanti ad una delle banche. Infinite code sono visibili ogni giorno di fronte alle diverse sponde dell'isola. 21 dicembre 2024. Mamoudzou, Mayotte. L'isola di Mayotte è devastata dal passaggio del ciclone Chido che ha colpito l'isola il 14 dicembre. La popolazione delle baraccopoli provenienti dall'immigrazione comoriana, già indigenti prima del passaggio del ciclone, si lamenta della mancanza di aiuto. "È cibo e bevande di cui abbiamo bisogno", "non abbiamo ancora visto aiuto" rapidamente truffa
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Michael Bunel / Le Pictorium - MAYOTTE, cyclone Chido - 21/12/2024 - mayotte - Several people are lining up in front of one of the banks. Endless lines of queues are visible every day in front of the different banks on the island. December 21, 2024. Mamoudzou, Mayotte. The island of Mayotte is devastated after the passage of Cyclone Chido which hit the island on December 14. The population of the slums from Comorian immigration, already destitute before the passage of the cyclone, complains of the lack of help. “It’s food and drink that we need”, “we still haven’t seen help” quickly confided women in the heights of the Kaweni slum. Civil society is organizing to compensate for the lack of action by the State on site, which is slow in getting water and food to the entire population. The aid announced by the French government is blocked in Reunion. Firefighters, Red Cross, civil protection, all were offered to go into the field but without their cargo! How to intervene when technical means are not available. On the island, no or little distribution of food and water. When this is the case, it is the locals who become volunteers and who provide a minimum of daily support. Liberal nurses, teachers or simple local residents, all provide their support to take care of those most affected. The only place of refuge after the destruction of the shanty towns by the cyclone, the colleges and schools. In Mamoudzou alone, the capital, 2, 000 people are sheltered in establishments. But everything is missing! The principal of a college takes responsibility for purchasing supplies when at the Lycee des Lumieres, local residents have just spent 400 euros to be able to obtain rice. In the heights of Mamoudzou, the Kawani slum is already recovering. The resilience of the “banga” population is equal to the disaster. The sound of hammers on metal sheets is omnipresent! The rainy season is underway and finding a roof over your head is a priority!
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