. Operazioni e atti del New Zealand Institute . iiller. (AD ES XXVII.) Comune. C. ace7osum, Schrank. (AD ES XXVII.) Figura 33. Comune ; anche, da Leithfield, plentifully. Questa specie sembra variare molto in lunghezza: Alcuni esemplari da Leithfield sono lunghi -g^ pollice : alcuni da Christchurch -^ pollice. Viene derogato da C. lunula da una maggiore snatura e curvatura, e byavendo le sue vescicole in una sola fila. Ealfs afferma che il fronte vuoto è incolore; molte delle specie qui hanno una colorazione marrone distinta. Osservatedegualmente una tendenza in parecchie piante ad assumere un po'sig
1243 x 2011 px | 21 x 34,1 cm | 8,3 x 13,4 inches | 150dpi
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. Transactions and proceedings of the New Zealand Institute . iiller. (E. XXVII.) Common. C. ace7osum, Schrank. (E. XXVII.) Figure 33. Common ; also, from Leithfield, plentifully. This species seems to vary a good deal in length: some specimens fromLeithfield are -g^ inch long : some from Christchurch -^ inch. It is dis-tinguished from C. lunula by greater slenderness and curvature, and byhaving its vesicles in a single row. Ealfs states that the empty frond iscolourless ; many of the species here have a distinct brown tinge. I observedalso a tendency in several plants to assume a somewhat sigmoidal shape, the two ends turning opposite ways. C. Uneatum, Ehrenberg. (E. XXX.) Not common. C. selencsiini, sp. no v. Figures 15-16. Frond bright green, large, stout, visible to the naked eye, distinctlylunate, the outer margin forming a bold circular curve, the inner marginalso curved but more slightly ; no inflation at the middle; ends rapidlytapering, sub-acute, a little rounded, and at the extreme tip turned very TRANSJ.Z.INSTiTUTE, VOLXIlIRI[l. J, iff. MasJce.Il, iiel. f^EWZEALA^D DESM/UEyf. Maskell.—On New Zealand Desmidieae, 313 slightly outwards; no median suture; fillets several, but obscure, some-times not visible; vesicles numerous, scattered. The empty frond iscolourless, with no strife. The globule of moving granules is very small, and situate quite close to the tip. Common in spring. This is a fine handsome plant, and I think not agreeing with the Euro-pean species. Those which in form approach nearest to it are C. ehren-hergii, Meneghini, C. leibleinii, Kiltzing, and C. moniliferum, Bory; but itdiffers from all in the absence of median inflation of the inner margin, whichis conspicuous in all three, especially the first. C. ehrenhergii also has con-spicuous longitudinal fillets, and the ends are thick and round. C. monili-ferum is too small, and its vesicles are in a single row ; and the same maybe said of C. leibleinii, otherwise this species might agree almost