PALMER PNEUMATICO CO. CHICAGO. L. 1896 Ultima CashBuyers'Unione162 Alta spediti ovunque bicicletta w $.75 modelli pienamente garantita; pneum 7% atic pneumatici; peso 1 kg t; tutti gli stili e i prezzi. Ampio catalogo illustrato libero. W.VanBurenSt8131Chicag ufficio e da tutti newsdealers. Il nome 'Hunter' non è mai stato messo su qualcosa che non era di prima classe. PALMER BROS. Manualmente Conti. " Ho biciclette W espia le pistole Buggy Ulroess " American Bell Company Telefono Boston Massachusetts Ridotto Fac-simile della pagina di copertina. La sella del ciclo il piroscafo transatlantico. Navale e di difesa costiera. Ferrovie e
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PALMER PNEUMATIC TIRE CO. CHICAGO. L. 1896 Latest CashBuyers'Union162 High Shipped anywhere Bicycle w $.75 models fully guaranteed; pneum 7% atic tires; weight 1 t lbs.; all styles and prices. Large illustrated catalogue free. W.VanBurenSt8131Chicag office and from all newsdealers. The Name 'HUNTER' never was put on anything that wasn't first-class. PALMER BROS. Manua Conti. „ i Bicycles W atones Guns Buggies Ulroess „ The American Bell Company Telephone Boston Mass. Reduced Fac-simile of Cover Page. THE CYCLE SADDLE The Transatlantic Steamship. Naval and Coast Defense. Railroads and Bridges. The Sewing Machine. Physics and Chemistry. Electric Engineering. Progress of Printing. The Locomotive. Iron and Steel. Phonograph. Telegraph. Telephone. Telescopes. The Bicycle. THE W. P. DAVIS MACHINE CO. 701 ' Stereopticons Magic Lan terns and Accessories. Natural Colors. V A LANTERN SLIDES. J. B. COLT & CO. and 59 Fifth Ave. AGENCIES. 131Post St. -an Francisco.Cal. N ew 50 Bromfield St. Boston Mass. 415 N.BroadwaySt.LouisMo. The . . . Premo Camera 1896 PREISTMAN SAFETY OIL ENGINE 'A thoroughly successful commercial En No Extra Insurance No Reliable Safe Economical. and Convenient. Chosen by Nine Governments. Used for nearly every purpose. PREISTMAN & CO .IncOrp'd interesting history of the cycle from Its origin up to the present time. The tiret-cranle.driven bicycle. The had at this office and from all newsdealers. Typewriter Patent JESSOP'S STEEL'BY'sET' FOR TOOLS SAWS ETC PRINTING INKS most important of which is the prize essay entitled 'THE PROGRESS OF INVENTION DURING THE PAST FIFTY YEARS' FOR WHICH A PRIZE OF $2150 HAS BEEN AWARDED. 3r 72 PAGES PROFUSELY. rLLUSTRATED. CONIER IN COLORS. PRICE 10 CENTS. Mailed to any address in the United States Canada or Mexico. To foreign countries add 8 cents extra for postage. For sale by all Newsdealers throughout the ntry or address MUNN & CO. Publishers of the' Scientific American' 361 Broadway New York. soth Anniversary D