. Perno ferroviario elettrico . esso in una presa bloccata. Se il prezzo ispettorsees una moneta sospetta lui fa sì che il tamburo di fermare untilhe ha soddisfatto se stesso che la moneta è o buono o cattivo. Si scopre che il numero di coinsi non correnti è sorprendentemente piccolo. Così, di 340,000 dollari presi in theebox nel novembre 1915, solo l'equivalente di 11 dollari era non corrente. Anche di questa somma insignificante più della metà era redimibile. I keepsakecoins estranei sono trovati fuori del tandels. La notevole accelerazione del traffico prodotta dall'ausilio dei registri a moneta motorizzati è dimostrata dal fatto che
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. Electric railway journal . it into a locked receptacle. If the fare inspectorsees a suspicious coin he causes the drum to stop untilhe has satisfied himself that the coin is either good orbad. It is found that the number of non-current coinsis astonishingly small. Thus of $340, 000 taken in theseboxes during November, 1915, only the equivalent of$11 was non-current. Even of this insignificant summore than half was redeemable. Foreign keepsakecoins are found oftener than slugs. The remarkable acceleration of traffic produced bythe aid of the motor-driven coin registers is shown bythe fact that at Park Street fully 8000 people have beenhandled in one hour with one box. During the summera baseball crowd of 9000 has been handled at KenmoreStreet station, Fenway Park, in twelve minutes withfour fare boxes. One instance of the flexibility of the all-cash systemis found at the Devonshire Street station of the EastBoston Tunnel. Here, in accordance with municipal re-quirements, a toll of 1 cent is charged for passengers. BOSTON FARE COLLECTION—COIN REGISTER WITH NUMERALSDISPLAYED AS SEEN FROM THE CAR INTERIOR January 8, 1916] ELECTRIC RAILWAY JOURNAL 79 going to or returning from East Boston. To take careof this condition, one box is provided for the 5-centfare and a second box for the 1-cent toll. One-Person Turnstile Stations With but one exception, stationary motor-driven out-fits have been installed only at those stations where atleast one person is employed to make change and an-other to inspect the coins deposited. The exception isa trial box and turnstile at the Park Street station, North. Here the coin register is built directly intothe change-makers booth and behind it is a five-armLanglow turnstile with a table on which passengerscan rest packages while paying fare. The window of thechange-maker is so placed that those who have theexact fare can proceed to the cash hopper and turnstilewithout standing in line. The passenger cannot gothrough the turnstile until t