. Premio di Little Blossom : un libro di Natale per i bambini . orebodes tristezza, e dice 92 PICCOLI FIORI RICOMPENSA. Me che io vedrò i vostri giovani volti non più.but affrettatevi, salvi! Montare, e ridefor la vostra vita! Phrixus si strappò ed Ella dalle braccia di sismamme. Helle, piangendo scarpata, sorrise attraverso le sue lacrime al pensierodi un giro attraverso il cielo, e volentieri monteddietro suo fratello. E Nefele li seguì con occhi stretti, finché il vello d'oro e la nevi-bianca si perse nel cielo blu, e poi si sgranò a terra e pianse. Ho
1483 x 1685 px | 25,1 x 28,5 cm | 9,9 x 11,2 inches | 150dpi
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. Little Blossom's reward : a Christmas book for children . orebodes sorrow, and tells 92 LITTLE BLOSSOMS REWARD. me that I shall see your young faces no more.But hasten — save yourselves! Mount, and ridefor your lives! Phrixus tore himself and Helle from hismothers arms. Helle, weeping she scarce knewwhy, smiled through her tears at the thoughtsof a ride through the sky, and gladly mountedbehind her brother. Up and away they dart-ed, and Nephele followed them with strainingeyes, till the golden fleece and the snow-whitedress were lost in the blue sky, and then sankupon the ground and wept. Hours passed by, and the sun set, and the full moon rose in theserene heavens, and still Nephele lay weepingfor her children, and could not be comforted.But when morning came, she was not there;but a beautiful cloud, tinged with rose colorby the beams of the rising sun, hovered above, and wept soft dew upon the spot. Heavenhad heard her despairing cry, and given Neph-ele this form, that she might follow her chil-dren and be always near them, lest she should. The Golden Fleece. THE WONDERFUL RAM. 93 have wept herself to death on the cold groundin her misery. And lo! a rainbow, born ofher tears, hung upon the edge of this wonder-ful cloud, and lighted it up with glory. But Phrixus and Helle were now far away, flying with the speed of the wind over hillsand valleys, cities and rivers ; and Phrixusstrove to cheer and amuse his young sisterby pointing out to her the wonders of thelands over which they passed. And truly itwas a delightful way of seeing the world, tosoar, like the birds, in .the fresh morning air, and to enjoy the swift motion and rushingbreeze high in the pure heaven. It was betterthan the railroad to the moon you so oftenwish for, George. Look, Phrixus, said Helle ; a bright andbeautiful cloud seems to follow us. It must bea happy omen. But at the word the rainpoured forth from its depths, lying in long, misty streamers across the clear sky. No, Helle. It weeps at your w