. Relazione sul problema del trasporto di Pittsburgh, presentata all'onorevole William A. Magee, sindaco della città di Pittsburgh. ch la società presentatrice deriverebbe da un investimento protetto, sono madeplain. Questo programma comporta necessariamente uno sviluppo giuridico e finanziario che deve essere elaborato contemporaneamente ai problemi tecnici, e pertanto si è fatto riferimento a disposizioni giuridiche e finanziarie che sono state fondate altrove, in particolare a Chicago e Cleveland L'inconnessione con situazioni di transito simili a quella che ora con-fronting Pittsburgh, fino al
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. Report on the Pittsburgh transportation problem, submitted to Honorable William A. Magee, mayor of the city of Pittsburgh . ch the presentcompany would derive from a protected investment, are madeplain. This program necessarily involves legal and financial devel-opments which must be worked out simultaneous with the tech-nical problems, and therefore reference has been made tocertain legal and financial arrangements which have been foundpractical elsewhere—particularly in Chicago and Cleveland—inconnection with transit situations similar to the one now con-fronting Pittsburgh, so far as the service and equipment is con-cerned. I wish to acknowledge the co-operation of Mr. James D.Callery, President, and other officers of the Pittsburgh RailwaysCompany in placing at my disposal the information shown by therecords and by some of the graphical charts, which I have madefrom the figures supplied to me. I trust that the information in this report has been put insuch form that it will contribute to a more complete understand-ing of the transportation problem of the Pittsburgh District. Respectfully submitted, . Consulting Engineer. RELIEF MAP OF STREET RAILWAY SYS1 This is a photographic reproduction of a model showing both the location and eleRailway Company. The map is laid out on a horizontal scale of 2000 feet to the inch, andlevel). From this photograph the elevations can only be judged in perspective. It will, haccomplished with unusual difficulties. As the great majority of passenger traffic centersascend heavy grades, with the exception of the Second Avenue line to Homestead, the PenKees Rocks. Pittsburghs most direct line to the East End—via Center Avenue—is handiRiverview Park district. The low level tunnel under Mt. Washington has evidently beenvenient interurban connections to the towns South of Pittsburgh. iiTEM IN PITTSBURGH AND VICINITY. jlevation of the various routes comprising the street railway tracks of the Pittsburghi the elevations on a verti