. Rivista americana di radiologia . 08, presso la PostOffice di Chicago, 111., unde- la legge del Congresso del marzo 3,1870. Vol. XV CHICAGO, OTTOBRE. 1904. N. 4 CONTENUTI. FRONTESPIZIO PAGINA. Relazione del Dr. Niels Finsen 290 sui raggi N, Da Andre Broca 291 alcune nuove concezioni del Natureand Gestione della malattia dei diritti, da Alfred C. Croftan 297 Electro Therapy in Diseases of the Eye, da WS H. Walling 304 morte del Dr. Finsen 319 Kryptol. Un nuovo Sub-Tance per i riscaldatori elettrici 296 raggi fisiologici e fili. Wehnelt Interrupter 306307 raggi Roentgen1 Nel .Manufacture ofCables 307 indagine sul cancro 30S UN Muni
1336 x 1871 px | 22,6 x 31,7 cm | 8,9 x 12,5 inches | 150dpi
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. American X-ray journal . 08, at the Postoffice at Chicago, 111., unde- the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Vol. XV. CHICAGO, OCTOBER. 1904. No. 4 CONTENTS. PAGE Frontispiece. Dr. Niels Finsen 290 Report on N-Rays, by Andre Broca 291 Some Newer Conceptions of the Natureand Management of Brights Disease, by Alfred C. Croftan 297 Electro Therapy in Diseases of the Eye, by Ws H. Walling 304 Death of Dr. Finsen 319 Kryptol. a New Sub-tance for Electric Heaters 296 physiological Rays and Wires.Wehnelt Interrupter 306307 Roentgen1 Rays in the .Manufacture ofCables 307 Cancer Investigation 30S A Municipal Tuberculosis Clinic 307 X-Rays in Epilepsy The Doctors Income Massage of the Heart for CoIapse Telephonograms Chemical Effect of Kathode Rays Chemical Effects of Alternating Currents New Use for Windmills Earth Currents The Inventors Meed PAGE 310 311 312313313314314315316 Sounding and Radiography of the Large Intestine .. 317 Self Reliance 31S American Electro-Medical Society 319 Origin of Radium 320 A New Ray 320. DR. NIELS FINSEN. THE AMERICAN X-RAY JOURNAL Devoted to Practical X-Ray Work and Allied Arts and Sciences. Vol. XV. CHICAGO, OCTOBER, 1904. No. 4 Report on N=Rays.* BY ANDUE BKOCA. It is a dangerous task at pres-ent to make a report of the n-ray.This question, almost grown old in ayear, is strongly controverted. Cer-tain persons have gone so far as todeny the existence of these rays. This isin consequence of the difficulty and ex-treme delicacy of the observation ofn-rays, and because the technic necessaryis truly over-refined. I began to workon this subject in January, and I was notable to see the phenomena until aboutsix weeks ago. It seems a unique experi-ence in the history of science to find thatphenomena which are so difficult anddelicate to observe are at the same timeso important theoretically and practically.However, the same thing has occurred inconnection with auscultation, with themicroscope, and with the work of Pas-teur. In all of these cases a n