. Rivista dei dipendenti di Baltimora e Ohio . Va., dove è collocato in mostra, questa esposizione è conosciuta come The Boys and Girls ClubAnnual Round-Up. I giudici poi passano il lavoro, e nastri e altri premi sono stati conferiti in riconoscimento del lavoro eccezionale svolto dai membri del Club. Per stimolare il lavoro del West Virginia Boys andGirls Agricultural Club, il Baltimoreand Ohio ha offerto due dollari 100 scholarshii>s, uno al ragazzo e uno alla ragazza whosework ha portato lo stato. Queste borse di studio sono valide per il corso breve invernale al West Virginia state Agricultural College atMorgantown, o possono essere applicate da thewinne
1310 x 1906 px | 22,2 x 32,3 cm | 8,7 x 12,7 inches | 150dpi
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. Baltimore and Ohio employees magazine . Va., whereit is placed on exhibition, this expositionbeing known as the Boys and Girls ClubAnnual Round-Up. Judges then pass onthe work, and ribbons and other awards aregiven in recognition of outstanding work-done by Club members. To stimulate West Virginia Boys andGirls Agricultural Club work, the Baltimoreand Ohio offered two $100 scholarshii>s, one to the boy and one to the girl whosework led the state. These scholarships aregood for the Winter Short Course at theWest Virginia State Agricultural College atMorgantown, or can be applied by thewinners on a regular four-year course inagriculture, if they so desire. Jackson Randolph, 15 years old, of LostCreek, W. Va.. won the Boys scholarshipfor his work during his second year as aBoys Club member. This lad was fortunatein drawing a calf. Belle Donald, a purebredHereford, in a contest, and it is his work ingrowing out this heifer calf, and in breedingand raising some purebred pigs, on which hemade his report, and on which he won the. Jackson Randolph, Jane Lew, W. Va. worth-while Baltimore and Ohio scholarship. At the time this story is written. BelleDonald has not been in the show ring, so itis impossible to state the final results. The cash return from the two litters ofpigs raised and sold by him amounts to$116.00, in addition to the litters havingpaid for the original sows that produce!them. These paragraphs are of particular inter-est, and.are quoted from Jackson Randolphsreport: When I sit and look back over the yearpast I feel that it has been a short one forme, and a pleasant one also. Belle Donaldcame to me in the drawing contest at theFair nearly a year ago, and she and I havebeen the closest friends since that time.She has filled quite an interesting place inmy life and I know when she passes frommy possession that I will have manyregrets. I can never get away from the habit ofcontrasting pure bred stock with the ordi-nary kind that I see on our farm and on ourn