Segnalazione attraverso lo spazio senza fili : una descrizione del lavoro di Hertz e dei suoi successori . elettricità dalla sua superficie. Questo accordo conferma il punto di vista da noi espresso in occasione di esperienze con la vernice Balmaint, che, durante I FENOMENI FOTOELETTRICI di scarica elettrica. 123 alla luce, avvengono azioni analoghe a quelle di risonanza. Wiedemann ed Ebert erano stati precedentilati da altre considerazioni alla stessa conclusione. Siamo costretti dai risultati delle attuali sperimentazioni a concludere che una più rapida scarica di elettricità nell'atmosfera ta
1865 x 1340 px | 31,6 x 22,7 cm | 12,4 x 8,9 inches | 150dpi
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Signalling through space without wires : being a description of the work of Hertz & his successors . electricity from its surface. This agreementconfirms the view expressed by us on the occasion of experi-ments with Balmains paint, that, during electrical discharge PHOTO-ELECTRIC PHENOMENA. 123 by light, actions take place which are analogous to those ofresonance. Messrs. Wiedemann and Ebert had previouslybeen led by other considerations to the same conclusion. We are compelled by the results of the present experimentsto conclude that a more rapid discharge of electricity into theatmosphere takes place in sunlight than in darkness from thesurfaces of the earth, which is composed of mineral particlescharged, as the positive sign of the slope of atmosphericpotential indicates, with negative electricity. It seems to us evident that there exists a direct electricaction of sunlight upon the earth, and that we have givenexperimental evidence in favour of the theory put forwardby von Bezold and Arrherrius, according to which the sunacts on the earth, not by electrostatic or electro-dynamic. Fig. 63.Explanation of Fig. 63.—Arrangement used by Elster and Geitel for ex-posing various phosphorescent minerals to daylight, while under inductivecharge. They were put in powder in the tray P, and the transparent wire-gauze N above them was charged positively from a battery. The metalcover MM could be removed and replaced at pleasure, and the effect on adelicate quadrant electrometer connected to P observed. By this methodconsiderable tension can be got up on the mineral surface, notwithstandingthat it is close upon zero potential. The light effect depends on tension, not potential. action-at a-distance, wrhich would involve difficulties of atheoretical character, but through the medium of the electricalforces of light waves. We hope soon to establish the con-sequences of this theory in meteorology in another Paper, giving the results of two years observations on the intensityof the