. sull'anatomia dei vertebrati [risorsa elettronica] l'osso sesamoide ge si è sviluppato nei tendini del theflexor, e riempiendo l'aspetto palmo del piede anteriore: Il sesamoide asecond è fissato mediante legamento all'apice del largepalmar. Un'ossicola accessoria, x, è incuneata nella parte esterna del carpo in Das. Gigas. In Das. PEBA, fig. 260, quindi quattro cifre sul piede anteriore, le due medie molto più grandi di lunghezza e di forza quelle esterne ed interne: Il polline, i, è obsoleto. Il femore, figg. 260, 277, 65, presenta un terzo tro-chanter. Le estremità prossimale e distale della tibia, 68 e f
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. On the anatomy of vertebrates [electronic resource] . ge sesamoid bone developed in theflexor tendons, and filling the palmar aspect of the fore-foot: asecond sesamoid is attached by ligament to the apex of the largepalmar one. An accessory ossicle, x, is wedged into the outerside of the carpus in Das. gigas. In Das. Peba, fig. 260, thereare four digits on the fore-foot, the two middle much exceedingin length and strength the outer and inner ones: the pollex, I, is obsolete. The femur, figs. 260, 277, 65, presents a third tro-chanter. The proximal and distal extremities of the tibia, 68, and fibula, 67, are connate : their shafts subsequently coalescetherewith, so that a single epiphysis answers to the shafts of bothbones at each of their extremities, in the immature Armadillos.The naviculare is remarkable for its two inferior tuberosities, the interspace between which receives the under part of theentocuneiform bone. In Das. sex-cinctus it sends downward aprocess, like that in some Rodents. The calcaneum is less pro- SKELETON OF BRUTA. 409. duced in the Chlamyphore, fig. 277, cl, than in the Nine-banded Armadillo, fig. 260. The hind-foot is pentadactyle inall. The chief modification of the limb-bones in the extinctgigantic Armadillos {Glyptodon) relates to the modification ofunguiculate feet to the support and terrestrial progression ofspecies too huge for burrowing, and asheavy as the bulky Pachyderms. The 2Ja^ungual phalanges are accordingly obtuse, short, broad, and thick, for being incased inhoof-like nails, and their phalanges are flatbones, presenting the maximum of breadthin proportion to length. In the third tro-chanter and the anchylosed tibia and fibulathe Dasypodoid characteristics are pre-served. The limb-bones of the Orycteropus moreresemble those of the Armadillos than of Cm^Lfeh^^r.the toothless Anteaters. The acromion scapula? is less elongate: the entocondyloid process of the humerusis recurved, and widely perforated. The wrist-bones are as inDasypus