2500 x 1667 px | 21,2 x 14,1 cm | 8,3 x 5,6 inches | 300dpi
Data acquisizione:
27 maggio 2024
Brightlingsea, Essex UK
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Terry Hutt, named as the 'Union Jack Man' by Queen Elizabeth, attended many of the Brightlingsea protests. The Battle of Brightlingsea The normally quiet seaside town of Brightlingsea in Essex was brought into the spotlight when the export of live animals began from Brightlingsea port on the 16th January 1995. Lorries laden with lambs and calves made the slow journey through the town while thousands of people, young and old, fought to stop the exports. Protests were a daily occurrence and gained worldwide interest with press from around the world reporting from the town. In October 1995 exporters ceased operations due to the cost and chaos caused by the daily protests. In the nine months since exports began 250, 000 animals were exported and 52 sheep died at the port. Essex Police made close to 600 arrests and The British Red Cross treated over 100 casualties. The estimated cost of policing the protests was over £4, 000, 000.
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