The weaver si avvicina alla sua casa globale CHANDIGARH, INDIA. LE INCREDIBILI IMMAGINI di un tessitore Baya che porta paglia per costruire i loro nidi dall'aspetto unico sono state realizzate a c
The weaver approaches its global home CHANDIGARH, INDIA AMAZING IMAGES of a Baya Weaver bringing straw to build their unique looking nests have been captured. Images show the baya weaver building as it hovers in the air adding to its globular shape nest. The baya weaver is a weaverbird found across the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia. Flocks of these birds are found in grasslands, cultivated areas, scrub and secondary growth and they are best known for their hanging retort shaped nests woven from leaves. The nests are predominantly found hanging on the thinner outer branches of Acacia trees. The thin branch deters predators from going to the nest. Baya Weavers build hanging nests that are globular in shape with a narrow entrance at the bottom. These images were captured by photographer Anuj Jain (45) from Chandigarh, India. Anuj captured the images in Chandigarh, India on their Nikon Z8 + 200-500mm. ?I saw this big colony of Baya weaver birds and got really excited as the birds were pretty active around the nest, ? said Anuj. ?Some birds were in the final stages of completing the nest as can be seen where the bird is carrying the grass to complete the nest. ?It's easy to find baya weaver nests but this big colony is not common ?These birds are nature's perfect craftsmen. The nests are hanging upside down and have a chamber inside where they lay eggs. ?The birds normally make nests in colonies but usually not these big ones. They mostly build nests on trees that are by the side of a water body to prevent snakes from attaching their nests. ?I really love the shot showing the complete habitat of all their hard work and the bird is carrying nesting material in its beak. It's a complete story in itself.? ENDS