. Tour estivi, stagione 1911 .. . – sand visit resorts, ma non sono desiderosi di vivere in un hotel. Per queste persone ci sono deliziosi cottage privati nelle immediate vicinanze dell'hotel, che sono completamente ((uiiped e splendidamente arredate per la pulizia, se lo si desidera; ma gli occupanti shouldthe desiderano, possono organizzare il loro m(>als presso l'hotel. E' stato consuetudine aprire questi cotl.nges aboutJune loth di ogni anno anil l'hotel i)roper Giugno 25111. Le Glades arredano incantevoli guadi e briglie attraverso le foreste di montagna, e di conseguenza una struttura suital)lelivery
2029 x 1231 px | 34,4 x 20,8 cm | 13,5 x 8,2 inches | 150dpi
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. Summer tours, season 1911 .. . sand visit resorts, but are not desirous of living at a hotel. Forthese persons there are delightful private cottages in the im-mediate vicinity of the hotel, which are fully (((uiiiped andbeautifully furnished for housekeeping, if so desired; but shouldthe occupants wish, they can arrange for their m(>als at thehotel. It has been customary to open these cotl.nges aboutJune loth of each year anil the hotel i)roper June 25111. The Glades furnish enchanting drives and bridle pat listhrough the mountain forests, and consequently a suital)lelivery establishment is one of the featiues of Deer Park.Nehicles of all kinds can be fiunished, from a dog-cart to atally-ho, and good horses are available for either driving orriding. Accommodations are provided for horses and vehiclesbrought by guests to the park. There are excellent roads formotoring, tennis courts and ball groimds. The golf coiuse is aspecial feature. Morning and evening t)and concerts are partof the daily routine at the hotel.. TKXNIS rOTHTS, nEEH PAKK. Notwithstanding Deer l;irk li;is its own individual attrac-tions, it is favored will: the cry best t Iluisportation facilities, the lack of which is so dftcii a dclrimeut to a summer resort.11 is situated on I he m.iin line of t he Haltimore & Ohio Railroad, and it is only elexen lioius ride from Cincinnati or New York;eight and one-half hours fi-oru Ihiladelplii.-i; six ;nid one-(]uarterhours from iialtimore; ti-e and one-ijuarter hours from Wash-ington; six hours from iittst)urg; eight and thice-ciuarterhours from Columbus; twenty-one houis from St. Louis, andeighteen and tliree-(iuarter hours from Chicago. From eatdiof lh(>se cities through Pullman sleeping cars land pas.sengeisat the hotel. The day trains have Pullman parlor cars aiuldining cars. SUMMER EXCURSION ROUTES AND FARES. DEER PARK, MD. •Excursion 1690, 1713 or 1714. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Deer Park. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. *McKeesport, Pa $ 7