Un Americano di libro di testo delle malattie dei bambini .. . Esca di devel-andamento del setto perineale spiega la frequenza dei casi di imperforaterectum e ano in cui vi è una comunicazione tra il tuboe intestinale tratto genito-urinario. La migliore classificazione delle malformazioni del retto e dell'ano thatadopted da Bodenhamer, ed è come segue : 1. Restringimento congenita di therectum o ano senza completa occlusione ; 2. Completa occlusione del anusby un diaframma membranosa o ben formati in pelle ; 3. L'ano è assente, eil retto termina in una sacca cieca in corrispondenza di un punto in più
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An American text-book of the diseases of children .. . lure of devel-opment of the perineal septum explains the frequency of cases of imperforaterectum and anus in which there is a communication between the intestinal tubeand the genito-urinary tract. The best classification of the malformations of the rectum and anus is thatadopted by Bodenhamer, and is as follows : 1. Congenital narrowing of therectum or anus without complete occlusion ; 2. Complete occlusion of the anusby a membranous diaphragm or well-formed skin ; 3. The anus is absent, andthe rectum ends in a blind pouch at a point more or less distant from the peri-neum ; 4. The anus is normal in appearance, but ends in a cul-de-sac, and therectum ends in a blind pouch at a variable distance above this point; 5. Theanus is absent, and the rectum ends by a fistula at any point of the perineumor sacral region; 6. The anus is absent, and the rectum ends in the vagina, the bladder, or the urethra; 7. The anus and rectum are normal, but the 594 AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF DISEASES OF CHILDBEX.. Congenital Narrowing of the Rectum and Anus. Fig. 2. ureter, vagina, or urethra opens into the rectal cavity ; 8. The rectum is totallyabsent. 1. Congenital Narrowing of the Rectum or Ants, without Com-plete Occlusion.—This variety of malformation is probably more common than is generally supposed, as it escapes notice ifthe narrowing is not sufficient to produce markedsymptoms of obstruction : and probably in manycases of this nature, in which the stenosis is notextreme, the efforts of the child in passing theiVeces bring about the necessary amount of dila-tation. As the stenosis may not be sufficient toprevent the escape of the semifluid feces of infantlife, the condition may not be detected for sometime, and it is only as the child becomes older andthe feces become more consistent that accumula-tion takes place in the rectum and attention isdirected to the malformation (Fig. 1). Treatment.—The treatment of this variety ofco