Un Americano di libro di testo delle malattie dei bambini .. . Um ; due più suture su 1032 AMERICAN LIBRO DI TESTO DI MALATTIE DEI BAMBINI. ogni lato sono generalmente sufficienti. L'aspetto delle parti immediatelyafter circoncisione nel caso già illustrato, in cui vi erano ferma ad-hesions tra la mucosa e glande, è visto in accompanyingplate. (Piastra XXIII.) la superficie del glande e del solco dietro la corona deve essere dressedwith acido boracico-acido o unguento carbolized unguento di zinco, e un secco ofsterilized medicazione o carbolized garza può essere avvolto intorno al coperchio penisto th
1353 x 1846 px | 22,9 x 31,3 cm | 9 x 12,3 inches | 150dpi
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An American text-book of the diseases of children .. . um ; two more sutures on 1032 AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF DISEASES OF CHILDREN. each side are usually sufficient. The appearance of the parts immediatelyafter circumcision in the case already depicted, in which there were firm ad-hesions between the mucous membrane and glans, is seen in the accompanyingplate. (Plate XXIII.) The surface of the glans and the sulcus behind the corona should be dressedwith boracic-acid ointment or carbolized zinc ointment, and a dry dressing ofsterilized or carbolized gauze may be wrapped around the penisto cover thewound, or a wet dressing, consisting of boracic acid, glycerin, and water, maybe employed in the same manner. The dressing may be held in place by theturns of a narrow roller bandage or by the T bandage or by the childs nap-kin. Subsequent dressings are made daily, and at the end of a week the unionis generally complete in the line of incision. Some oedema of the mucous mem-brane may persist for weeks, but it usually disappears in a short time. Fig.. Paraphimosis. II. Paraphimosis. This name is given to the condition in which an abnormally narrow pre-puce has been drawn up above the corona glandis and remains irreducible.When this accident happens the glans soon becomes swollenand oedematous from the constriction exercised by theedges of the preputial orifice, and, if the condition is notpromptly relieved, ulceration or gangrene may occur.Paraphimosis is usually met with in boys who retract theprepuce and fail to replace it promptly, or may result fromthe trick of tying strings or bands around the root of thepenis. One of the most aggravating cases I have everseen was caused by an ignorant nurse tying a string arounda boys penis to control nocturnal enuresis. I have alsoseen the condition resulting in young children from thebites of insects. When paraphimosis has existed for sometime, the swelling and oedema of the glans and mucousmembrane become so marked that the greatest di